simple reason that life on Earth is a learning experience for growing souls, as we have explained,
and the passage of the 12th Planet is considered a natural occurrence not unlike hurricanes or
tornadoes or disease. Simply stated, humans are to rise to the occasion, and help each other, during
these times. Outside of the help given as a result of a truly Service-to-Other call to help
help will be given. In these cases,
Right Neighbors
Since our descriptions of the Transformation include humans and hybrids living near each other,
such that the human communities can benefit from alien high technology - those desperate for
rescue assume they can move in with the right group, and shortly after the distress of the pole shift
find themselves better off than ever! It is a characteristic of the Service-to-Other orientation that no
steps would be taken that would harm others, grossly, so that seeking out the right community that
would make oneself comfortable while deserting those who are currently neighbors would
Service-to-Other goal. Simply stated, those who are shopping around for the right community,
hoping to migrate into a high-tech/alien-assisted life, will in fact doom any community they attach
themselves to rather than find themselves so assisted. Communities that advertise themselves as
Service-to-Other are invariably not that, and would be adoptees loudly proclaiming they are Service-
to-Other while they are trying to insert themselves into communities are likewise suspect.
So what is an anxious human to do? Since the soul lives on, while the human body dies, the spiritual aspects of
survival and life during troubling times is more important than any physical comfort. Look to those around you, for the sense of peace and acceptance they may have in place of desperation and panic. Look to those you are responsible for,
to see how you can make their transition - to the Aftertime or their next incarnation - done with a sense of teamwork
and caring. Look to a simple existence, with a minimum of comforts, during any transition, rather than demanding a
high tech existence or special attention. These attitudes, and this caring orientation, will ensure you more than any
actions you might otherwise take, in arriving at a place where personal comforts and security will once again be an
everyday assumption. Put aside desperation and casting about for rescue, and think of how you can help others. This is
your ticket to better times![2/5/2012 11:18:46 AM]
ZetaTalk: Survivors
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The cataclysms will come quickly, and the great majority of deaths will be so instantaneous that there will be no time
for anxiety. Concern should be for the survivors, who will be injured, in shock, hungry, and looking in desperation for their loved ones. We would suggest that those who wish to commit suicide be allowed to do so. Most certainly those in
pain and torment, without hope of recovery or hope of receiving medical treatment when such treatment is scarce or
nonexistent, should be allowed this avenue. We would suggest birth control, without argument, as the infant mortality
rate will take out almost all born during the first few after years. Take pity on the mothers, who will share scarce food with a fetus only to see it born dead or struggle unsuccessfully for life.
The grief that will result from the cataclysms will be no greater for any given human than the grief their normal life
would sustain. Grief is something that comes to every life many times during a lifetime. Humans anticipate grieving
over the loss of loved ones, who may die suddenly by accident or unexpected illness or linger for a long, sad good-by.
Humans anticipate torrents of nature - volcanoes, tornadoes, floods, lighting, hailstorms, and earthquakes. These come
sometimes without warning, but many times are anticipated. Humans anticipate societal problems, the loss of jobs or
status, family and friends deserting one, banking failures. All this can suddenly place a human into grief, but in most cases the pending problems have been announcing themselves regularly. Any survivor of the cataclysms could have
experienced a life situation where home, job, family and friends, and health disappeared. This can and does happen
today to many, and not just due to acts of nature.
What will be different is that the anticipated assistance from wealthy countries or one's own government will not be
available. For most of the world, this won't come as a shock, as it is rather a shock when they do receive assistance.
For wealthy industrialized countries, this lack of assistance will be a shock. Some individuals will have to learn to rely more on themselves and to work communally with others. These are lessons that life teaches in any case, however, and
are not exclusive to the cataclysms. The cataclysms offer an opportunity, as does life in general, to be of service.
These are times of great opportunity, to be greatly of service. These are times when one can grow, and discover
strength within oneself previously unknown.[2/5/2012 11:18:46 AM]
ZetaTalk: Death Rate
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The 90% die-off that we have predicted, as we have stated, will