ZetaTalk: Guided
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Truly Service-to-Other individuals, with dependents if they do not interfer with the Service-to-Other nature of the
individual, are being guided now. This most often starts by the individual giving the Call, as they see situations around them becoming less secure, changes not explained by the establishment, and wish to continue to aid those they feel
responsible for. The Call results in visitations, and the Service-to-Other individual gets informed of the coming times, and is assisted in sorting out their personal plans. For many, they cannot
plan, to escape, with loved ones who will certianly need assistance, to postion themselvses where they can help others
in the immediate Aftertime. Often, the Service-to-Other individual plans to go into the worst situations, into collapsed cities to rescue the innocent, the orphans, and take them to better places. They are being guided as to where to
http://www.zetatalk2.com/xtime/x18.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mainstay for Others
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During the cataclysms those already operating in the 4th Density Service-to-Other orientation, spiritually speaking,
have an offer from ourselves and our brethren in the Service-to-Others camps, to be lifted to safety during the
cataclysms. This is, in essence, what the Bible is referring to as the Rapture, although this is much misinterpreted to mean a saving of the faithful. This lift is very temporary, and those so assisted will not even be conscious of it.
However, in spite of the brief time involved, most, the vast majority in fact, have declined. Why is this? The Service-
to-Others almost invariable have loved ones in their lives who do not qualify - wives and husbands, children and
grandchildren, and friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances and neighbors.
The time of most need is when the tidal waves and earthquakes hit, and the firestorms and trash in the comets tail
sweep the Earth. It is then that they wish to be with those they care for, to reduce fear and anxiety, knowing that these emotions can lead one astray, into the Service-to-Self camp. Often times the Service-to-Others individual, in the
minority on Earth, is the one who acts as a mainstay for others. They are seldom the one rewarded or applauded, and
most often the one quietly plugging away, supporting others. Look around you, and you will find them, though you
must often look behind the scenes. Take these individuals away, and put the rest in a great crisis, and you will see why our offer of rescue has been declined.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p32.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm
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Each human life lives out its term, with the entity incarnated growing with the opportunities presented, or shrinking
from them. Those humans remaining alive after the pole shift will reform into small groups, leaning toward this
orientation or another, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, or being composed of the same mix that human society has
today. Where the trauma of the cataclysms will have been great, those who undergo a natural cataclysm often find this
easier to accept than the steady grind of manmade hardships. For the vast majority of those killed during the
cataclysms, death will have been so quick as to be unexpected and unfelt. No anxiety and no pain. This knowledge
will assuage the grief of the survivors. After the cataclysms the hardships will not be unlike those experienced by
humanity during prior centuries, where severe weather or drought or disease created hardship for the populace. It is
only recently that human society, in the developed world, has come to expect that life should be otherwise.
The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet
5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even
power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to
follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t03.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities
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What the civilization of the future will be is open, depending on the free will and motivation of those who can guide
its progress. It would be unfair to those who will be in a position to affect this to speculate. This picture is to