Reactions to the changing times are varied, and in only a few cases represent preparations, most often representing stress reactions. Individuals expecting to reduce their live, to live more simply, will not necessarily eat less, exercise more, or have their teeth fixed. All these changes are short term, as rotting teeth will return, and someone slightly

overweight might find this well packed meal handy.

What are symptoms of true preparation? Substantial moves, such as leaving the city and moving to rural areas,

for one. Practicing gardening, or fishing with simple tools, or walking about in the country side munching on

weeds or bugs. These are serious steps, that directly relate.

What are symptoms of anxiety, or self concern, or simply trying to adjust to society to increase security by

fitting in? Getting fit, trim, learning a new language, experimenting with recipes, or getting up earlier in the day

can be interpreted as the type of activity one undertakes to be considered more fit, a better citizen, a more

desirable spouse or date.

The types of activities that are true preparation for survival after the shift are so odd as to be the last chosen by those trying to be a good citizen, or spouse, or date. Does one work with hand tools in the basement, on wood?

Hod odd, when power tools are the cool thing. Does one plant vegetables, in the yard formerly used for golf

swings? How odd, when the boss does not garden, but golfs.

Thus, those who suspect they are subconsciously preparing for the shift can line their new activities up against what is really required, or alternatively up against what society would approve of. Which fits? This will determine what you are up to!

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:18:57 AM]

ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

After the cataclysms, religions of the world will enjoy both an increase and decrease in popularity. Some humans,

bewildered by what has happened, will cling to their religions. Some humans will assume that human actions have

caused the shift, which they will interpret as a punishment. Scapegoats will be selected from their midst, and

sacrificed. Other humans will attempt to modify their behavior, to placate what they assume to be angry gods. In the

main, these practices will occur among ignorant or weak peoples, and in truth these practices occur today. Regarding

religion, whatever trend was occurring within a given human will continue, or exacerbate. Those humans who today

think for themselves will move more in that direction, finding that their religion does not give guidance and is not

coming to grips with the situation.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:18:57 AM]

ZetaTalk: Other Explanations

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ZetaTalk: Survivor

Note: written Sep 15, 2001

The Survivor show is a brainchild of the major TV networks, in response to a request floated out to them from the

establishment to mentally prepare the populace for drastic changes that would challenge their mind-set and ability to

survive. How could such a request be made, to major media networks, and not be discussed broadly in the news? The

manner in which the establishment influences the media - which includes TV, radio, movies, magazines, and

newspaper articles - is not bold-faced and with accreditation. It is subtle, passed from a high level government official to a high level executive, both of whom could be expected to keep their mouths tightly zipped. Thus requested, the

executive has a brain-storming session, and leans in the direction of the request during the ideas that are laid forth. The staff then thinks this their idea, and promotes it all the more heavily because of this. Their idea should be a success!

The basis of the Survivor show, as well as movies showing various Earth-threatening situations such as volcanoes or

meteors or asteroid, is to numb the populace to such scenarios. Think of the horrors the populace encounters regularly

- tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, cancer, child kidnappings, automobile wrecks that leave the survivors maimed. When

such horrors are discussed over coffee break or at the bar, they are treated as something that cannot be avoided, cannot be planned for, but just must be borne. By displaying such situations as Earth threatening disasters or bare-bones survival situations where a member of the group must be ejected so the rest can survive, the populace is being asked to consider such dire situations, and have the likelihood be accepted, and to become numb.

Take a look at old TV series, old movies, and magazine articles that appears some 20-30 years ago. Do you see such

scenarios? What changed? The reality of the inbound 12th Planet, the likely pole shift, and the fact that the elite have realized the cannot escape Earth, but must live here with the masses, through this and afterwards!

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:18:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: Self Sufficient

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ZetaTalk: Self Sufficient

Note: written Apr 15, 1999.

The Year 2000 crisis is also a paper dragon, one of many being used by the establishment to distract the populace from

the real danger. Many such distractions, such as the Presidential impeachment, are simply to draw people

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