technology many thousands of times superior to the technology that your human cultures now enjoy. But it will not be
the technology of Homo Sapiens today. It will be better than that.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t98.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:59 AM]
ZetaTalk: Characteristics
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During the Transformation, groups of humans will not be separated entirely by orientation at first. This is due to the
mix of orientations in human society today, done deliberately to facilitate 3rd Density choices among humans who
must decide their orientation - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Often, a highly Service-to-Self entity is placed to reincarnate into the arms of highly Service-to-Other parents, so that both can become familiar with their future
situation, where clear polarizing of the orientations will occur. In 4th Density spiritual existence, where the
orientations are separated, there is no mix except during those occasions where an engagement is agreed upon, and
then those in the Service-to-Other meet highly Service-to-Self oriented entities, and vice versa. Thus, it is often
deemed an education, a preparation, to mix these entities together in family or small communities, during 3rd Density
life just prior to a Transformation.
Thus, during the cataclysms, many highly Service-to-Other families or small communities may find they have a highly
Service-to-Self child among them, or someone of this orientation who is physically dependent upon them in some way.
Do they cast these young children or dependents aside, in order to become a fully Service-to-Other group? This is in
conflict with the nature of those in the Service-to-Other, especially as there can be no certainty that the child or
dependent person has truly decided on a Service-to-Self path. What if they are undecided, dithering, and abandonment
would push them in the wrong direction? The Service-to-Other human wants to establish a tone of hope and caring, for
all in the group. Should these individuals be punished, during the Aftertime, living in desperate circumstances without help from high tech hybrid communities, only because they are caring for some who are
There are rules visitors and hybrid communities are under, set by the Council of Worlds to ensure that the
Transformation proceeds apace and is not delayed unnecessarily. The line where visitors or a community of hybrids
can assist their human neighbors, or not, is determined by who controls the community of humans. We will give
If the community is led of a consensus of the adults, the majority of whom are Service-to-Other, assistance can
be given. This community might include some highly self-focused adults, perhaps with young children whom
those in the Service-to-Other orientation feel responsible for, and thus tolerate the adults parents for the sake of
the children. However, these self-focused adults do not
If the community is so mixed as to have as its leadership undecided adults, who are as prone to listen to self-
focused arguments as arguments with a strong Service-to-Other motive, they cannot be given assistance. This
line is drawn as these communities would then gain strength, which would surely be misused by those in the
Service-to-Self in the group, who would take any high tech assistance to further their power over others. Worse
yet, this high tech advantage would be used to conquer other groups of humans.
After the Transformation, those in the Service-to-Self
occur and frequently does occur, such a strict separation is not possible. Thus, where leadership is
http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t99.htm[2/5/2012 11:18:59 AM]
ZetaTalk: Sorted Out
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Life in a hybrid community would not be something desired in any but a highly Service-to-Other individual. We have
stated that polarization will be natural, after the shift, with those undecided leaving highly Service-to- Other
communities, for these same reasons. Those highly Service-to-Self naturally leave a group highly Service-to- Other
when they cannot dominate or control them, as the incessant attention to others, to the well-being of others annoys
them. In human society today, normal for 3rd Density existence where the orientation decision is the prime lesson to
be determined, Service-to-Self can dominate others. They migrate to where this domination has the least resistance,
among the weak, the young, etc. If in a situation where they cannot rule, dominate, they move on seeking a better