forebrain and the

other brains, and amnesia ensues. The midbrain, being the go-between, is responsible for keeping it all straight, and

does so responsibly. Were this not so, humans would not have functioned well enough to have survived and


The memory or awareness of various emotions is not crucial to survival, and in fact has assisted only somewhat during

civilized times. Blind rage erupting during the day can get one fired or exiled, and thus the ability to repress emotions has been, if anything, selected for propagation. Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe

or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes. However, in the future, during 4th Density Service-to-

Others, this propensity will be genetically engineered out. There are no secrets in 4th Density Service-to- Others, not

even from oneself.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:27:10 PM]

ZetaTalk: Stress Diseases

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ZetaTalk: Stress Diseases

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Worry is the greatest drain, as the body is fighting the issues endlessly, with no end. Your body was not designed for

this. It was designed for fight or flight, not endless battle. In your primitive past, when presented with challenges, you either fought off the threat or were eaten or destroyed. The matter was over quickly. Modern society presents situations

that are neither over quickly nor destroy quickly. Thus the battle stage is drawn out endlessly, and the soldiers grow

weary. Put the battle to an end somehow, if only by deciding not to engage. If there is nothing you can do at the

moment, and you can have no effect on the outcome, then put your weapons down. Be at peace. Smell the roses.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:27:10 PM]

ZetaTalk: Escape Reality

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ZetaTalk: Escape Reality

Note: written on Apr 15, 1999

Particularly in times of increasing anxiety, with rapid change and uncertainty, people look for security. They look for

something that is a shortcut, something that they hadn't noticed before, a road they can quickly run down, something

that is a quick answer. Frequently this solution entails the desire to change reality, to have a wish become reality, and is expressed as a statement that man can create his own reality, his own Universe. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If this were the case, humans would be able to change their circumstances today. People are in devastating circumstances

- injured, crippled for life, starving, born with defects, developing illnesses, with economic hardships that are

intractable, with a lack of opportunities, and watching their loved ones wither. They cannot change this by wishing. If

this were true, why is it that humans all share the same reality. If reality changed because someone wished it to be so,

this would not be the case. This is not the way to deal with anxieties. It is an understandable escape attempt, but simply not a road that anyone should put their energy into.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:27:12 PM]

ZetaTalk: Autism Rise

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ZetaTalk: Autism Rise

Note: writen during the May 11, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

Autism on the rise is not a manmade affliction nor related. This increase is related to inbreeding, among those with

similar propensities. Obsessive individuals do not feel comfortable among those with high emotions and spontaneity.

They bond, befriend, and spend time with others who like a regimented life style. Repeatedly intermarrying, this then

becomes a dominate gene, and expresses.

Additional ZetaTalk added Dec 14, 2005.

Why is the evidence against mercury so high, so low as to be almost absent in the Amish and children being schooled

at home as their parents want to avoid the vaccination requirements for entry into the school system and the like? Why

the upsurge in autism in recent years, in parallel with the mercury in vaccines? Where the evidence against

pharmaceutical companies and the government agencies leaned on to exclude any data that would pave the way for

litigation against them in no way makes them heroes, here the link is not failsafe. If the vaccine melts the brain of a

child, then why have all such children so vaccinated between 1989 and 2003 been so affected?

What else has been on the rise since 1989? Beaching whales; mad cow disease and the wildlife equivalent, a wasting disease; dead fish washing up on beaches; the red tide, an algae bloom; flesh eating bacteria; chronic fatigue

syndrome; depression among adults; suicide among children; adults and teens going postal and murdering their

families and then themselves. What factors can affect this?

1. a global recession, in fact an economic depression, emerging by the year 2000 as Bush took the White House but

denied in the media

2. the approach of Planet X which began in 1995 and entry into the inner solar system in the year 2003

3. a cover-up so complete that no discussion of Earth changes is allowed to explain matters to a public aware that even the reliable Moon is out of orbit regularly

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