5. Toward the end of 2002, as the inbound planet can no longer be denied by any but NASA and the major media,
talked about by almost every other element spreading news, those aware of the coming shift, if only in theory,
will feel anxious even if secure otherwise.
6. The economic crash predicted to occur when the tenuous banking system and Stock Market, based on false
values, crumbles, will create a need in the otherwise comfortable to made changes, and once again they will be
faced with choices that include or
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ZetaTalk: Denial
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As matters heat up, the earth changes becoming obvious, affecting jobs and hitting the nightly news increasingly after
a long period of being suppressed, many who mulled over the issues and debated them logically will
This is a matter of being personally overwhelmed, of being unable to see a route to safety, of being unable to imagine
life after the expected impact. The mind boggles into a state of panic, and the only route is
Denial is used extensively in human society, more than the average human would expect.
An employee desperately needing the job will not
par, or the company may institute a layoff. Thus, the layoff comes as a shock, when it hits, but at least the
employee is able to
The primitive tribe, in the woods and hunting, gathering nuts or tubers, cannot constantly think about an
impending attack by a carnivore, else would be debilitated and unable to function. Thus, they
attack could occur at any moment, bustle about the day, gathering and hunting and cooking, and
the attack by a carnivore occurs, it is a shock, some die but not all, and the tribe regroups. The outcome is hardly
different, except that with denial, they
matters become overwhelming.
Just as some humans will go into denial when matters heat up, others will come forth. There are those who are in the
background, mulling over the issues, who will find their voice and courage
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ZetaTalk: Bad News
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We have stated that the coming times are great opportunities, as life will
and family needing a helping hand. Should they stay, and help others, or run? Heroes born or illusions dashed, the
need for action will reveal much. Many have loved ones, or those they feel responsible for or who rely upon them,
which they can either desert or remain in place to care for. Should the husband run for the hill, leaving his crippled
wife? Should he stay and hold her hand, while the waters rise to engulf them, reassuring her that drowning is not
painful or perhaps rocking her in his arms so she cannot see what is coming, or tell himself that her panic does not
matter, being short lived?
Knowing that such horrific times are coming, many move beyond the decision of
ridicule, telling their family in no uncertain terms that they take the pending pole shift theory seriously, to
Timing of such announcements will resolve itself, as when the planet is increasingly visible, first called a comet or
nova or some such and then called a comet with red outgassing, none will deny that
patient? What to tell the person who cannot live without insulin, or who can hardly walk much less eat if others do not
bring foot to the table? What to tell those who live in places such as India where escape is not possible, the population held in place by immigration refusal, and lack of options. What to tell those in cities, who have grown soft and have no
idea how food is even grown, much less the skills to feed themselves if out in the wild.
Should one explain the situation
approaches in channeled works, where the coming times are talked about in kind terms sounding almost like a trip to
the fair. There will be changes, but not to worry, life will be kind and pleasant. The changes are
of smoothing the rough edges of what is to come. Is this