information on
Times. Nancy finds she lately has been grateful for the foresight that developed Troubled Times and the hip- pocket
booklet that the nonprofit has developed. The over 100 Troubled Times TOPICs and TEAMs that have developed
allow the anxious to be pointed to reading material
Will this trend diminish, or change, going into the shift? It will only increase, until e-mail queues sorting out the
necessary. In time, Internet service will become disrupted to the point where mail is not necessarily delivered and
bounced only because of delays, and web sites are inaccessible to many due to satellite down time. Thus, an important
support step for those wanting to help is to create mirror sites, of that information the ZetaTalk and Troubled Times
sites offer. Many mirror sites already exist, in point of fact, for instance where translated material has been made
available within countries speaking the language. But it is a bit late, when the satellites start malfunctioning, to seek to set this up! In that acting as a traffic cop, directing the anxious to this or that information, could be done by[2/5/2012 1:27:16 PM]
ZetaTalk: The Insecure
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Beyond the professional debunker, whose full or part time job is to haunt message boards or web sites in search of
people discussing what the establishment wants to
highly insecure in the best of times. Even with the best that modern medicine can provide,
difference. Meteors and fireballs from the sky are erratic, and despite man’s best efforts at prediction earthquakes
strike without warning, dropping buildings and bridges. Then there are all the reassurances from employers and
governments and insurers that pension funds, savings, home ownership and assets,
or default on their promises, and insurance companies default. Loyalty from friends and family also cannot be relied
upon solidly, as the divorce rate and domestic violence statistics show. Friends are supportive only while this
friendship aligns with their life circumstances, and the friendship dropped when it becomes inconvenient. Thus, despite
man’s best efforts to make himself
Enter Planet X and the ZetaTalk message that the world will turn upside down, experience earthquakes that will shatter
cities everywhere, roll flood tides inland for hundreds of miles along coastlines everywhere, explode industrial
complexes into a cesspool of chemical pollution, destroy the communication and transportation networks so that travel
is on foot or impossible, remove the convenience of electricity and clean water supplied to the home and replace this
with long dark nights and drinking water smelling like the neighbors sewage, suddenly stop the delivery of food stuffs
to the local store with no replacement so that rats and weeds and rotting corpses become the only food available. For
many, especially those in cities or whose lifestyle by choice or necessity has made them soft and dependent, this is
what the message
If they are by nature strong and resourceful, they think about the steps to be taken in the event, and plot a plan,
as there is always
If they are by nature weak, clingy, and demanding, another turn is taken. They watch the viability of their
pension funds and savings melt away as the USD drops and corporations go belly up. They see the weather
erratic, the ferocity of storms on the rise, and watch movies like the Day After Tomorrow with fists in a ball,
white knuckles. They would make shrill demands of
certainly is not listening. Now what?
If a weak individual cannot succeed by demanding or clinging, there is only one option available for comfort - denial.
They need not worry because it is not happening, all is normal. The weather is normal if one assumes massive climate
cycles that stretch millions of years, at least this is what the TV is reporting. No one knows what causes