
him that she expects him to repair their garage, and the fact that the construction group includes a number of single

woman who share the husband's concern for the poor is a hidden agenda. Should the wife want to garden to give the

neighborhood children the experience of growing their own food, she may find her husband making derogatory

comments about her rough hands and sunburned neck, her focus no longer appropriately on being his showcase or

trophy wife. Restrictions, not empowerment, becomes the norm.

Jobs, whether termed a career or profession or trade or simply something temporary to bring in money, are equally as

restrictive. Income level goes up as experience or skills increase, so that the longer one holds the job, the more they

earn, and the family does not sympathize with having that income reduced simply because the wage earner wants a

change. There was the expense in time and money for collage or university or apprenticeship, the union seniority, the

associations with others in the field, the vacation time and pension benefit earned because of time on the job to

consider. Once again, the wage earner is restricted, looking out on a vista of years, decades, before him or her and

seeing no change possible, as any step outside of the rut puts at risk all that has been gained. Should a doctor wish to serve the poor, rather than those with the funds to pay the clinic bills, the doctor must face angry clinic stockholders

and most likely a divorce from a spouse who does not wish to sell the home and second car and drop the country club

membership. Should a plumber wish to work in waste management, realizing what goes down the pipes and the

damage it can do to the environment, the plumber would likely need to ask the spouse for financial as well as

emotional support during a time of lost income, and once again social and marital expectations become a head wind

against change.

We have mentioned that the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, will fare better during the coming changes because

they will not grieve for lost possessions, and already being at the bottom of life’s ladder, will find themselves suddenly counseling others on how to survive. We have mentioned that the coming changes, the pole shift, is a great leveler,

putting the formerly wealthy on the streets and in desperation, and the formerly homeless in a larger junk yard from[2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]

ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up

which to build a hovel. What we have not mentioned is that outside of the loss of material possessions, and the lose of

the security blanket that most assume they have around them in the form of pension and insurance coverage and social

services, the wealthy and financially secure will have a greater downside up from changed social circumstances. No

longer forced to put in hours that restrict one’s life virtually to the work place, no longer forced to pander to the

supervisor or boss and restrict one’s chatter to reflect the proper attitude, no longer forced to freeze out social

interactions that threaten the status quo or repress the urge to spontaneously help others, the former drone of the status quo finds themselves more alert, feeling an energy they had lost early in life as restrictions closed about them like a

net, and perhaps feeling alive for the first time in decades.

These opportunities for renewal will come to all because of the massive changes the pole shift will bring. Even where the family survives intact, the home, though damaged, survives the quakes and winds intact, and the political fabric of

the region earns its leadership by their response to the catastrophe and remains thus intact, there will be a changed

environment. Where formerly, the weight of what was to be lost was on the side of the status quo, now the status quo is dwarfed by a compelling emergency. Helping to rebuild housing for those now in out in the rain, the doctor giving

service to the poor without expectation of payment, dealing with chemical spills and broken sewage mains that

threaten the environment and health of the community, and putting up gardens as a food source when the supplies

scrapped from the wreckage of homes and grocery stores run down - now no one can argue that these steps are not of prime importance. The clingy and demanding spouse, the possessions demanding to be polished, the inane boss

demanding to be considered brilliant, all can be ignored. Life has received an infusion of energy, charged not only by need for action on the part of anyone with a heart that cares, but also by the breaking of virtual bondage that most societies represent. A downside, suddenly up![2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]

ZetaTalk: When Things Go Wrong

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ZetaTalk: When Things Go Wrong

written Feb 21, 2005

After the pole shift there will be many injuries, many traumatized people, overwhelming the emergency

services. Most often, people not prepared to give first aid will be stepping in, as getting to a doctor will not

be possible. There are going to be a lot of mistakes made, by good hearted people trying their best, a steep

learning curve. This will lay a burden of guilt on those folks, something they do not need as a distraction

as they are most likely the only people pitching in to help and the need will be great. Any advice?

The sense of guilt comes from many sources, among them a sense of loss or grieving, a sense of horror that a casual

mistake or accident can have such consequences, a sense of foreboding on the fragility of life and and safety and

security, an expectation of retaliation from some source, and empathy for the victim so the horror is being re-

experienced by the guilt striken one. In professions or trades that only affect things, such as dress making or floral

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