arrangements or keeping accounts or making furniture, guilt seldom raises its head in the workday world, but in

professions dealing with acute human problems, such as emergency services or firemen or search and rescue teams or

trauma medics, loss of life or the maiming of a life are ever present possibilities. Those who enter such professions are delving into life’s quagmires, not in most cases for the money which can be gotten by easier means in other professions

or trades, but by the desire to be of service where service is most needed.

During the coming times, when communications will be down, roadways impassable, and trauma suddenly thrust upon

communities beyond their capacity to handle, many inexperienced hands will attempt to deal with broken limbs, septic

wounds, ruptured eyeballs, rescue of those being washed away or under collapsed buildings, and mental confusion

threatening to become full blown psychosis. Mistakes will be made. A steep learning curve will exist, where the dead

child, gone because a sudden drop in body temperature was not noticed and corrected in a timely fashion, will allow

the caretakers to add another item to be checked in future. Live and learn, and taking time for guilt only means more

dead children neglected because their caretakers are now distracted. This is in fact a lesson of life, among the many

lessons that incarnations teach. We, the Zetas, in high tech 4th Density where high IQ’s and intense sharing of

experience and skills allows us to avoid most of the traps that await mankind in their schoolhouse, have accidents we

regret and grieve over.

We would recommend, during the coming times when such accidents and regrets may be a daily affair among those

who are attempting to care for others in distress, the following routine.

1. Blame among those who are essentially good hearted is a step that should be bypassed, as all have best

intentions and none wanted the outcome to occur. Blame should be replaced by a quick assessment of what

went wrong and what should have occurred, considering this a lesson learned and noted.

2. Changes in the routine should be made if required, with any change in personnel or roles not considered a

reprimand or fault finding but simply a change to avoid such an outcome in the future. This may result in a

reshuffling of roles or longer naps or just an opportunity to talk out the frustration so emotion is not a clouding

factor. If anyone blaming themselves for the accident or neglect can be put in a position to prevent a recurrence,

this can often help expiate their sense of shame. They will be highly motivated to do a good job in that capacity,

and each time their attention to the issue saves a life their guilt will be relieved.

3. When success in future cases is gained, this should be celebrated, so the loss or accident is seen, ultimately, as

having a positive effect.[2/5/2012 1:27:19 PM]

ZetaTalk: Leadership, Earned

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ZetaTalk: Leadership, Earned

written Sep 23, 2005

You wrote Decapitation Process, detailing the beginning of the end for the Bush Administration.

Incidentally (or not) shortly thereafter Katrina left its mark and the fallout of which would seem to be 1.

increased disapproval and apathy toward the Bush Administration after its failure to be prepared for and

respond to a nation in crisis. 2. increased gas prices which will have a strong effect on America's

economy. So is this (finally) setting the stage for the end of the Bush Regime? And does a country run on

auto-pilot mean that the cover-up will be over? If the Bush regime falls and the Puppet Master gains

control of the US military then is it not just another, I'd assume, even more savage Service-to- Selfer in


We have emphasized that during and after the pole shift, leadership will have to be earned, as real crises challenge the qualification of the pompous. During this process, matters do not go smoothly, as might be imagined, as the self

appointed leadership of the pompous is loathe to let go. To those who think the term self-appointed is inappropriate

when applied to elected officials or those appointed or promoted by others, we suggest an examination of the facts.

How does one get to be an elected official? Are they dragged, kicking and screaming to the podium? They are found

running about, loudly proclaiming their worth! Long before the election process, before the public ever hears their name, they are suggesting to other that they could be a candidate, would make a great candidate, and what they could

do for others if elected. Depending upon the audience, the beneficiaries of a successful election differ. The public is

told the common man will benefit, justice will be done, wrongs righted, festering problems addressed, because the

candidate has a big heart, has the qualities needed to lead, and can no longer stand to be idle in the face of all this

distress. Of course, there are occasional politicians who fit this bill, and their track record before and after announcing their candidacy make this clear. But the vast majority are self focused and make it clear to those who can help them

climb into power that they will return the favor. Examine the history of George W. Bush for such an example.

Posturing, trying to say the right words, while lining the pockets of his friends in the oil industry. Was he rescuing

kittens and helping little old ladies across streets in his youth? He was blowing up frogs with fire crackers.

Thus, when the time comes for leadership to be earned, politicians, almost to a one, won't qualify.

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