live two lives, one in secret, shared only with close confidants who are having similar experiences, but unable to be
open with lovers, parents, children, childhood friends, and priests. Those waiting for the pole shift have similar pain,
not due to any fault of their own as they have no control over what is coming, nor any control over the cover-up that
prevents open discussion about the physical facts, but their pain is similar because friends and family pull them in the
direction of what they term normal living, while the one aware longs for more partnership with friends and family, a
chance to talk about the issues without creating yet another argument, sympathy with the stress of trying to plan for
sudden earth changes while simultaneously living as though this were not going to occur. Those who
around them, the infinite number of clues that a cover-up exists, that a second sun has arrived, that an Earth wobble
has set in, but often because they are contactees and have received this information well in advance of the occurrence.
For them, each phase of the Earth changes, from the arrival of the Second Sun, to the constellations not being right for the seasons, to the Earth lurching about, makes their certainty stronger, their resolve stronger, and the pain likewise
They feel dangled, twisting slowly in the wind, unable to extricate themselves by going backwards into ignorance and
unable to go forward into partnership with others unless the cover-up is broken or the pole shift sequence begins. And
neither seems to be in a hurry to happen! We have spoken often of the fragility of the cover-up, in that those who are participating have been told that panic is the larger enemy but primarily because they have also been told that
the danger is past, the public could be told. Heads of state, media personalities, weathermen and astronomers alike are
told this line, and mostly they believe it because the heart
accompanied by a disturbed jet stream beyond what the weatherman can imagine, as cold air moves to warm zones of
lighter, heated air, while simultaneously being pushed by the rotation of the globe, an unknown maelstrom of fierce
and unpredictable storms. And what of the stress on the globe when parts normally aligned with the Sun’s magnetic
influences find themselves straining in two different directions, under the dictates of two different magnetic giants?
Will the crust protest? Will earthquakes and volcanism be the result? Will those participating in the cover-up maintain
a calm exterior and believe the
And what of the seemingly endless progression of the Earth changes, a halted orbit for the Earth almost a year now
with scarcely any movement toward the pole shift other than increased stress on the crust and a perceptible wobble.
Will years pass with this the situation? Will change happen so suddenly that the long wait may be over in days? We
would point to the progress of Planet X past the Sun and toward the Ecliptic, as evidenced by the
Siberia, showed the planet passing the Sun’s S. Pole. The strength of the Earth wobble and in particular the direction
of the wobble showing the retrograde movement of the passing planet. The odd pause in the wobble as the passing planet arrived close to the Ecliptic in September,
increasing tip of the N. Pole away from the Sun, into the 3 Days of Darkness, already past the point anticipated for Winter in the northern hemisphere and Summer in the southern hemisphere. How fast this tipping will occur we will
not say, as the establishment[2/5/2012 1:27:21 PM]
ZetaTalk: Pending Partners
preponderantly serve the elite who still harbor plans to exterminate large sections of the populace, unwanted mouths to
be fed in the future, under the cloak of Martial Law.
But one thing is certain, for all the pain that an uncertain wait brings to those longing for partnership with friends and family, for the end to their double lives, there will be commensurate reward when the pace of change picks up. Those
around each who wait in pain are noticing the changes, the strengh of their denial a brittle cover over their many
concerns. When this cover cracks, like the cover-up the elite has foisted upon the world, there will be a
and how precious moments in each other’s company.[2/5/2012 1:27:21 PM]
ZetaTalk: Soul Personalities
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Souls often have a personality stamp, just as the humans or other life forms they incarnate, as their early experiences
and reactions to these experiences shapes the pool of quick responses from which they grab in emergencies. If a soul
has reacted by running and hiding, and this has been
entity may suffer injury and death, if a similar situation arises, the soul who has taken the stand-and-fight posture will take this with little hesitation. Souls thus may work behind the scenes, backfilling others who are more