vocal and

visible, depending upon their success in the past, or may be a loud mouth, assertive and probing danger on the path

ahead in this manner, if in their experience they do this more effectively than others and if in the past they found the

others in the tribe coming to their rescue when they flushed out what was laying for them ahead along the path. Thus,

in analyzing past lives, it is important to recognize early experiences and reactions to these early experiences from a long term growth of the entity, which smoothes out.

Most developing souls, still on their birth planet and yet to experience a solidly Service-to-Other world, have leaned

toward being one sex or the other, by preference, as their skills and developed talents lay mostly in that realm, and all is new and the more comfort a young soul can garner during their adventures, the more confident they feel about

sallying forth. Thus, often the partner in a bond who has ideas, is articulate, innovative, and exploratory is the male.

This fits with the hominoid concept of a male, but in other worlds where the female is large and aggressive, the entity

would have reincarnated as a female most often. Likewise, the partner in a bond who empathizes with the missions

assumed by the more adventurous one often forms that bond because they wish this role, and want to go those places, but lack talents or experience. They then assume the support role, which helps both.

Relationships between souls, particularly on a developing world where souls are unbalanced in their development, are

often strong bonds. When in strange territory, as young souls feel they are often, one seeks friends, as their alliances

are known, their reactions predictable, and the relationship thus comforting when walking into unknown territory.

Developing worlds, where souls are sparked and learn their first lesson, the orientation lesson, have endless surprises

for newly reincarnating souls. The soul does not have the wealth of previous experiences to rely upon that old souls do,

and thus being incarnated in a new culture, a new climate, a new setting or sex, all engender the need for a friend at


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ZetaTalk: Physical Fitness

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ZetaTalk: Physical Fitness

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Since the dawn of civilization mankind has had to deal with the ravages of sloth. The wealthy man, having hired others

to work his fields and carry his bundles, do his laundry and run his errands, finds himself short of breath and getting

pains in his chest. Nature designed man to meet the struggle for existence, to be able to walk through his days in

search of food and water, to climb trees and cliffs for a snatch of food. The last thing nature foresaw was a life of

sloth. But that is what an increasing number of mankind lives.

How can the physically idle stay physically fit, and in their busy lives how can they maximize the time they spend on

physical fitness. This has been extensively studied by humans concerned about rising rates of obesity and heart

disease, especially as they might find themselves in the danger zone. Late in the game, they throw themselves into an

exercise program, as though every ounce of sweat will work a pound of cure, but most often the damage has been

done and such programs can even bring on the demise of the fanatic. The best course of action is gradual during any

acclimation period. If one has not been walking, much less running - then walk, don't run. If one has not been lifting

weights, then start with the 20 pound weights. Stop when you are short of breath, as tomorrow you will find you have

more stamina. Give your body a chance to catch up. Take a day off now and then from the routine, you're not in a

race, you know.

Just as civilization brought the demons of sloth onto mankind, the demons of plenty have left their mark. Rich food,

the type eaten only on occasion by early man, is on the platter every day, and the richer the better. Pass the butter,

please. High fiber foods, normally the staple in early man, may be absent altogether. Early man ate frequently, shat

frequently due to his high fiber diet, and drank all he could hold when encountering clean water. Protein feasts were

rare, and on those occasions early man ate nothing but the protein until this was gone or he was chased from the find or kill. The healthiest diet is one that takes mankind's beginnings into consideration.

Probably the most important physical fitness advice we can give to the human animal caught in the rigors of

civilization's incessant demands is not to worry. If a matter is not in your control, put it from your mind. What will be, will be, and your stress diseases will not change this one way or the other.

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ZetaTalk: Walking Erect

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ZetaTalk: Walking Erect

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

The human animal is painfully aware that it used to walk on all fours, and that the transition to walking erect is

anything but complete. Back pain, ruptured disks, worn out hip and knee joints, and bulging bellies are but a few of the

constant reminders. The spine, in particular, reflects the distress the body deals with in walking erect, and thus the

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