popularity of specialists who can manipulate the spine when it skews sideways due to pressure and compression it was
not designed to take. Where manipulating the spine can seem to give instant relief, such crunching and shifting of the
delicate tissue around bone and nerve are
align your
http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b55.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:23 PM]
ZetaTalk: Auras
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Auras exist, and some humans can see them as their eyes are sensitive enough to detect a form of light ray which is
always there but not seen by most. Auras do not represent the spirit, but are an emanation, or byproduct, of the human
body as a furnace, maintaining 98.6 degrees. As with other byproducts of the body, such as urine or feces or sweat or
breath, the aura can tell a practitioner a lot about the mental and physical health of a person. Auras are normally pale
blue, when viewed by humans, but vary all over the color spectrum and change shape, compressing close around the
body or wafting out with tendrils. We, the Zetas, see human auras regularly, as well as those of ourselves, and were we
not highly telepathic with one another would use this to read the well-being and mood of another, just as humans use
the expression on the face of another human.
Some human healers use their own aura and the aura of the patient to heal. When auras touch, they affect each other as
they wrap back into the bodies. This is truly a means for one human to breath life into another, to alter a sick aura by
sharing, to take some of the sick aura into oneself and absorb it. Like breathing air into another's lungs, one is using
one's strength, one's reserves, to help another, without permanent harm to the giver.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b42.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:23 PM]
ZetaTalk: Curing Cancer
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Cancer is considered a scourge of mankind, as cancer is so often what the mortician writes as the cause of death. What
is poorly understood is that cancer is a natural process which allows the organism an out, a type of suicide. How often
is it observed by humans that a fellow, informed that they have incipient cancer, continues the activity that is deemed to be causing or encouraging the cancer. Smoking is a case in point. Cancer is developing all the time, but is held at bay
by scavenger cells that mop them up, as is known by your biologists. What occurs in cancer development is that the
scavengers are told to cease, to back off and let the destruction proceed. Cancer occurs for the same reason many
infectious diseases run rampant, because the immune system turns off. As has long been recognized by humans, the
immune system is highly sensitive to one's surroundings, and by design. Suicide in nature is rarely possible, other than
to cease eating or fail to remove oneself from danger, both actions which are associated with mental depression.
The frantic war against cancer waged by the medical profession is most often a losing battle because the patient has
determined the outcome. Spontaneous remission occurs without medical assistance, and many cancer patients can be
found to have
with a hospital stay. Cancer treatments are
cancer, address the patient's life first, and attack the tumor as a secondary measure.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b62.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:24 PM]
ZetaTalk: Alzheimers
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Examine the animal kingdom, and what causes animals to time out, to die. If a species has no natural enemies, they
can live out their lives. Only the lack of food, such as a severe drought might bring, or an accident, such as being
struck by lightning, or a confrontation within the pride or pack, such as a battle for supremacy, prevents them from
simply dying of old age. What does that mean? In some cases it is a slowdown of all the natural processes, the
functioning of each vital organ such as heart of liver or lungs, such that a domino effect starts. Each failing organ
affects the other, the creature first getting tired, then exhausted and unable to move, then slipping into coma, then
death. All painless, what humans call dying in one's sleep, the preferred way to go, most certainly. This