the child

to chose the time and outcome of a nursing session, but will start dictating these issues. Normally nursing occurs when

the babe is restless and hungry, the mother's milk responding, and the outcome a satiated babe falling back into sleep,

a happy outcome all around. The child dictates the time and amount to be consumed. A control oriented mother will

try to decide when a nursing session, or a bottle feeding session, should occur. Her schedule, her determination on the

amount to be consumed, and the battle over food started early. The babe tries to turn away, has the nipple forced into

its mouth again and again, the sense of anger in the air, and the framework of the battle has been laid.

Close examination of the dynamics around the dinner table when the babe is a child invariably shows argument about

what food to eat, how much to consume, with the mother dishing it out onto the child's plate and watching closely that

it get consumed. This should be compared to the family where the child chooses what to load onto its plate from

serving dishes with only an occasional suggestion from mother to try the broccoli or whatever, with father commenting

that if one fills the plate up it is wasteful unless eaten, a clean plate. Basically, the child chooses.

Having had the issue of control over one's life hopelessly confused with food consumption, the Anorexic finds food

fights clicking in even when not the issue. If someone suggests they vote for a candidate the Anorexic would not

themselves choose, they stop eating. If the work hours are changed and the new routine not what the Anorexic would

prefer, they stop eating. If the spouse wants sex, or does not want sex, averse what the Anorexic wants for the evening,

they stop eating. In a world where tensions are on the increase, and those wanting control over their environment

becoming more adamant and shrill, these matters will only acerbate. Thus, the increase in Anorexia, which is likely

only to become worse both in those who suffer, and in an increase of new cases.[2/5/2012 1:27:25 PM]

ZetaTalk: Pain

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ZetaTalk: Pain

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

Spiritual growth during incarnations is best facilitated when the incarnating entity is faced with natural law, the

workings of the Universe as God designed it. Rainfall and its collection into pools and rivulets, sprouting seeds

struggling to push grains of earth aside and then leaning hungrily toward the light, a caterpillar's many legs following

one another in turn up and down its long body - all wonders of God's natural world. Pain is simply another facet of this

natural world, just as carnivores bringing down prey or the old and weak succumbing to infection. Pain is a signal - to

pull away from contact that injures, to slow down and rest, to favor the injury, to stay away from certain sites or foods or circumstances. Pain is designed, by natural evolution, to be self limiting. Severe pain causes a faint, long standing

pain causes a lethargic depression, and under natural circumstances the animal in pain does not have long to bear this.

It dies.

Enter man, with his rules and regulations. Dying is not allowed. Those in chronic, insoluble pain are restrained, bound to the bed and force fed if need be, and maintained in agonizing pain indefinitely. This frequently presents a situation

that flies in the face of what the populace has been told by the religious elite - that a benevolent God is listening to

their prayers. Those forced to live in pain and those watching this agony then conclude that they are either being

punished or ignored. The problem here is not that God is failing to descend to fix the pain. The problem is that

mankind has not learned how to deal with God's natural Universe, one of the lessons during spiritual growth.

Beyond the attitude that pain must be borne, stoically, while the body is being maintained indefinitely, humans also

burden themselves with unnecessary pain. The vast majority of the pain experienced by humans, even debilitating,

chronic pain - is psychological or psychosomatic, induced by the mind. This is not to say that real inflammation or

pressure on nerves might not be physically present. This is to say that the inflammation has been caused by the

individuals mental state, anxieties, desire to avoid situations, repressed rage, or lack of consideration for their physical body. One has gas pains but fails to eat roughage. One sprains wobbly joints and tears weak muscles because exercise

is seldom fit into the busy schedule. One has lower back pain and ultimately a slipped disk, but fails to tighten the

tummy or relax tight back muscles. The list is endless.

Ultimately, dealing with pain must be resolved in the same way that one deals with all other aspects of being alive.

Take responsibility for your own life, adjust to the reality of those things you cannot change, and maintain perspective.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 1:27:26 PM]

ZetaTalk: Grieving

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ZetaTalk: Grieving

written Sep 8, 2006

On Aug-17 my wife and I lost our only chil. When he was travelling he got hit by a train and died right

there, with no pain or suffering, as the doctors say. Could you please help me get back in time, so I could

warn my son of the danger and have him survive? If my life is required instead of his, to retain

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