How does one secure a promotion or an appointment? To some degree, the same process applies, but the individual

haunting the halls of power and making themselves a known person takes a different tack. Perhaps they lack

confidence as a public speaker or cannot lie with a straight face, so would fail as a politician. But as a lackey, they can carry out an agenda, and they make it clear from the start that nothing will stand in the way of carrying out the agenda of those who can promote or appoint them. Those in the workplace are astonished, early in their careers, to see the

most incompetent individuals around them promoted, while the competent are put in as an assistant, in a dead end job

that just coincidentally supports the incompetent who has just been promoted. The incompetent has spent his time

hanging around where he can encounter the powerful, and agree with everything they say, line up their personal

philosophy with the espoused philosophy of the powerful. During this courting season, the incompetent openly twists

any moral fiber they might have had to make it obvious that they are immoral to the core and willing to sell their souls to ally with the powerful. Should we be stealing from the pension fund to pad the salaries of those at the top? The

incompetent cannot agree fast enough. They get promoted.

Thus, when the time comes for leadership to be earned, corporate management or those in high government positions,

almost to a one, won't qualify.

Natural leadership, of the good hearted, emerges via a different route. They do not emerge grasping and running after[2/5/2012 1:27:20 PM]

ZetaTalk: Leadership, Earned

the perks of high office, as they are too busy attending to real problems around them. While the official leadership is getting themselves adorned with the trappings of high office, the ceremony, the dinners, the carefully arranged

interviews so the public can get to know them as they hope the public will be led to believe they are, the real leaders

are at work. Take the example of two men, both starting out working for a construction firm. The good- hearted natural

leader sees the task to be done by the crew, and if any crew member is having difficulty, assists. Thus, he is too busy

to hang around the office to make his face known to those who might promote him. Perhaps the owner hears the talk

and understands the good hearted one gets the job done, and promotes him the same as the ambitious one who spends

his time self-promoting. But more likely the ambitious one arranges for the competent natural leader to be assigned to

him, as an underling. Now come disasters in the area, and the natural leader is busy helping out more than his work crew. The ambitious one, who has not even done his job much less volunteered to help others, continues to hang out at

the office, suggesting how he might be put in charge of any large contract the firm might secure. The natural leader,

thus, is not known outside of the circle of workers and friends and strangers he assists. He is too busy to get his name floated about, or hound after the perks of leadership.

Enter the chaos that will precede the pole shift, which is increasingly engulfing the Earth now. In addition to the

normal turnover to natural leadership that will occur during unremitting disasters that strip the pompous of their self-

appointed claims, there is the decapitation process we have defined for the Bush administration. The decapitation process only makes it clear that the Bush administration is incompetent, liars, and embroiled in scandals to the point of being ineffective leaders even in quiet times when such leadership is not challenged to prove itself. The normal process of discarding self appointed leaders and accepting natural leaders is as follows:

1. The official self-appointed leadership asserts itself, barking orders or grabbing the microphone or arranging

photo opportunities.

2. Disastrous problems continue to compound, with the self appointed leadership increasingly unable to address


3. The public turns to natural leadership, first on a local basis and then as word of their effectiveness spreads, on a

wider basis.

4. The self appointed incompetent leadership gets shrill, attacking the natural leaders, threatening them, may

attempt to assassinate them, and may try to subjugate them, making the natural leader an appointed underling.

5. To the extent that the natural leader ignores the self appointed leadership, which by now has become hated, they

will continue to lead. Where allowing themselves to be subjugated, they will create a second round of the cycle

until the subjugated one breaks away in disgust with the orders they are receiving.

6. The self appointed leadership will close ranks, pull around them those that listen to them, and force themselves

upon a smaller and smaller range as their influence diminishes. Eventually, they are reduced to barking orders at

each other, enraged, with threats and suicides and strokes and heart attacks diminishing their numbers steadily.[2/5/2012 1:27:20 PM]

ZetaTalk: Pending Partners

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ZetaTalk: Pending Partners

written Nov 24, 2004

There are those who long for the pole shift to begin, as they have structured their lives around what they know, deep

within them, will occur. As with all those who live double lives, this is stressful. Contactees live these double lives,

many preferring to dampen conscious knowledge of their status, the visits they have with odd creatures bringing news

of an expanding role for the Earth in the future, to avoid constant conflict with family or friends or co-workers. They

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