these cycles,
and any life threatening extreme is extrapolated out thousands of years hence, so no need to worry. The government
propaganda is that the economy is on the rebound, jobs being created, and a firm hand at the helm. All evidence to the
contrary is simply not absorbed, and if pushed to be acknowledged, is denounced in a shrill voice and slamming doors.
These individuals entertain denial, in an increasingly shrill and angry manner, as the threats to their secure world[2/5/2012 1:27:17 PM]
ZetaTalk: The Insecure
increase. What does one do when they are being
accordingly. This proceeds along these lines, more rigid denial, more vicious attacks against the message, until the day
reality breaks through and it can no longer be denied that something is amiss. At this point the denial changes to red
faced demands for these weak individuals, hopping up and down and loudly demanding that
security and take care of them. If you have an individual in your neighborhood like this, move, before the pole shift.
They won’t change.[2/5/2012 1:27:17 PM]
ZetaTalk: Disaster Reactions
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In an instance such as major earthquakes, globally, such as those that will accompany the rotation stoppage, it is like a disaster ramped up into a larger scope. The same processes occur: all the hospitals are mobilized, people are ferried out of the disaster area to safer places, tents are erected, looting is suppressed, and this is done on a larger scale. In
situations such as this, there are more people that are unattended, ill, but unattended. A broken leg sometimes for days
before being set simply because greater emergencies exist. So it is just a matter of scale.
Why would Martial Law be imposed in the face of an emergency such as this? Rather, all of the emergency personnel
or volunteers would work themselves to death as they did in the 911 disaster at the WTC, without stop. This is how
they would react. Martial Law is only imposed in rare circumstances in democracies or in social democracies where it
is only a short delimited and a disaster does not already exist.
Therefore, worry less about this than about your neighbors. We will tell you that a mass disaster, such as seeing an
object in the sky, accompanied by large earthquakes and a communication shutdown, is going to cause your greatest
worry to be your neighbor or someone in your household. People will go mad, they will go insane, they will be frantic
with anger and wanting to direct it somewhere. They will be lashing out at each other. They will run away from their
responsibilities and then be dealing with grief on top of anger. You should expect, as you do with animals that go a bit
nutsy during an earthquake or prior to an earthquake, you neighbors and family member may be unpredictable, angry,
lashing out. Anticipate this, and formulate an action plan to deal with it, and do not be surprised.[2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]
ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up
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The effect of great changes on one’s life are often described a having life turned upside down, implying that the up
side, the optimistic or upbeat outlook, has become a downer, depressive. That this is the prevailing attitude is due to
the loud complains of those who have
vistas that have opened before them to comment. We are not speaking here of material goods, the homes lost, the
business inoperable, the value of what had been put aside in savings diminished or gone. We are speaking of the
thousands of
suddenly broken. The most obvious is the bondage that material goods place on their owners, and the social
obligations that societies place upon their members.
Marriage brings the joys of companionship, partnership, and the patter of little feet. It also almost inevitably brings the responsibility of holding that boring job and the requirement that one restrict social interaction to the work place and
close family. For a man to have a close friendship with a woman other than the wife, or the wife to enjoy the company
of another man, is considered a threat, brings pouting and argument, and however innocent, is dropped for the sake of
peace and the continuation of all the positive thing the marriage brings. The expectation that the martial partner must
then be all to the other is a pressure and responsibility that is in and of itself depressing. We are not speaking here
simply of sex, as these restrictions impose immobility on the partners ability to react to life in general. Should a
husband want to help build housing for the poor on the other side of town on a Saturday morning, his wife