and does it have a purpose? Yes on both counts, though it often seems a purposeless affliction to those intent on keeping the

gears of society running smoothly.

As with fainting, psychosis and senility allows the human animal to disconnect with reality. Catatonic or autistic

individuals are, chemically, in a place where they are not feeling anxiety. The world does not exist for them. Delusions

serve the same purpose, as the individual can build a world about them that meets their needs. How much different are

delusions from the games people play with themselves to make themselves more secure, more attractive, or more

valued in their own eyes than they are in the eyes of others. Depression serves a purpose in causing the individual to

retract and withdraw from a world that is causing injury. Time to reflect and plot a new course. Senility, outside of the genetic disease which is Alzheimer's, is greatest in those who have the least to live for. Activity and involvement

actually prevents senility. Senility blunts the awareness of the aged, so they can reminisce about happier days when

they were younger.

Human society sees psychosis as a problem because it is a disruption, but mostly because of the apparent pain the

afflicted are in. Is the autistic child not frozen in fear? Is the chronic depressive not missing out on life? Is the paranoid schizophrenic not constantly on the alert and never at rest? What is not taken into the equation is what the world of the individual is like without psychosis - where pain is born quietly but is more intense. Psychosis is noisy and noticeable, where the pre-psychotic individual is usually quiet and well behaved. Then is psychosis not a problem? Of course it is,

as it is the signal flag of misery.

Infants born psychotic are thus because the genetic throw of the dice gave them an ultra sensitive nature, and they are

doomed to live in the sheltered world they live in. Depressives recover when they change the life situation that is

distressing them, sometimes with dramatic swiftness. That so many depressives do not recover but mask their

unhappiness with antidepressants does not point to the illness as being intractable so much as it points to the rigidity of society. Schizophrenics react to the same stresses as other humans, but with a stronger and quicker reaction. This is

widely recognized in giving schizophrenics a more sheltered environment, but as the press is for society to reabsorb

the individual, any respite from the chemical surges is short lived. Anti-psychotic drugs simply mask the raging surges,

as though the fire hose were perpetually turned on the blaze so that one can say that the fire is out. The problem here is not so much that a psychosis ensues due to life stresses as that society has rigid expectation for all its citizens.

Does psychosis occur in the animal kingdom, outside of the human animal? Most certainly, a fact that veterinarians

will be the first to attest to. Psychotic pets, however, are usually given the life changes that are indicated, and recover.

Human society is not so kind to the human animal, who is generally drugged and told to struggle on, in place.

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ZetaTalk: Anxiety

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ZetaTalk: Anxiety

Note: written during the April 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

In the early days of ZetaTalk, it was a curiosity to most, and for those with personal visions similar to what was being

reported, a touchstone. Contactees, who had learned through their visits of the coming cataclysms, were gripped by the

correlations. Others, serious thinkers and students of prior earth changes, found the net of logic encompassing the holes in human theories. Those who knew that ZetaTalk had a factual basis, those with MJ12 connections, were horrified

that a message they understood was to be completely suppressed and debunked was getting out. Thus, in the early

days, ZetaTalk had friends and enemies, both highly emotional, with the majority of the audience curious. Few were

willing or thought it necessary to make major changes in their lives, given that the message had a clear end date of

May 15, 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] or shortly thereafter, and had many predictions leading up to that date that either would or would not be validated. The questions flowing into the ZetaTalk Question Queue in the early days revolved

around human nature, existing UFOlogy legends, with the minority revolving around the possibility of a pole shift and

life afterwards. Nancy, today, still gets requests that encompassed the preponderance of the Question Queue in the

early days of ZetaTalk, 1995 and on, but the weight of the requests for Zeta input now surround the pole shift and life

afterwards issue.

Given that the final year could see changes that would require the audience to act, many are now looking for certainty.

What types of issues are envisioned, that the Question Queue is now being hammered with requests for signs that

would satisfy certainty?

1. Earthquakes could devastate areas, beyond what the insurance companies could compensate for, requiring

decisions on the spot as to relocation or life changes.

2. Storms, clusters of tornadoes or mega-hurricanes would likewise wipe out more than a suburb or small town, but

whole cities, creating a similar instant need for life change decisions.

3. Rising seas, and erratic tides, could make the coastlines a risky place to live, to say nothing of wiping out

commercial or residential establishments along the coasts, likewise requiring a decision on a life change.

4. The deepening worldwide economic depression, called now only a recession, will increasingly cause families to

find themselves without hope in their home area, with decision time once again on the table.

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