
death sentence. The basis for such polarity is strictly rivalry for territory, followers, and the subsequent control of

wealth. To dissuade loyal followers from veering from their path, alternate religions or the countries predominantly

influenced by these religions are dressed as evil gluttons, liars, and most certainly not to be trusted. Thus the followers cannot verify the truth of these warnings, as distance must be maintained.

An old ploy, still much in use today.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:06 PM]

ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

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ZetaTalk: Racial Hatred

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many agendas are ascribed to racial hatred when the cause is something different. Why do people war with each other?

For territory, resources, sexual prize, booty, slaves, a sense of conquest, a sense of power, greed, hunger, fear of the

other, ignorance - there are many reasons. When warring occurs between people of different races, everything is

ascribed to racial hatred. Take note of what happens when there is scarcely any difference between groups. Warring

still occurs, but now it is ascribed to bad chemistry, a long standing feud, or a disagreement over boundaries.

Is this to say that there is no racial hatred? Certainly not. Racial hatred has the same base that hatred in general has, so here again we will point to the generic base. Empathy counters hatred, and empathy is strongest where the entities find

themselves in similar circumstances. People of similar backgrounds, same sex, same upbringing by parents of similar

personalities, same life situation, same religion, same schooling and exposure to the same media - these people will

sympathize with each other and forgive each other trespass, temper flares, theft, and rivalry. People with dissimilar

backgrounds will react entirely differently, flaring into arrest and lawsuits over a trivial affront, because the other is received with suspicion and a lack of understanding.

Therefore, see racial hatred in the same light as other hatreds - as one more factor posing a challenge to entities

developing toward the Service-to-Others orientation. Empathy seeks to transcend differences, finding the common


All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:07 PM]

ZetaTalk: United Nations

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ZetaTalk: United Nations

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, feel the United Nations is the best hope for the world to experience a firm and reliable governance

during the tumultuous times ahead. The United Nations we speak of is not the United Nations you see today, it is the

United Nations that may be if it grows to meet our hopes. Without such a body the world will crumble into fiefdoms

and the sharing of technology and skills, so needed during the dark and fearsome times ahead, will take place little if

at all. The United Nations represents a body that is supranational, and as such can approach any of the world's

governments not as a threat but as a friend. Guards are let down and eyes are turned toward the horizon for the long

range view. It is our sincere hope that the recent surge in strength and prestige given to the United Nations will

continue unabated and increase steadily.

Many see the United Nations as interfering, and many see too little interference. Several factors are at play here. Those who long for the world of the future, where all consider the needs of the other and artificial barriers such as country or race or religions are ignored, wish for the United Nations to grow in influence and breadth. But those who would exert

supreme control over peoples and lands under their dominion see the United Nations as a threat to their powers. These

opposing forces play off against each other, with various rouses as excuses. Money given to the United Nations is

squandered or unfairly spent. Tasks undertaken are not equally shouldered. Whatever. Support may be promised and

then suddenly withdrawn, or crucial votes withheld for trivial reasons. All these are ploys to weaken what individual

power mongers consider a threat. Consequently the actions of the United Nations should be viewed not from their

actions alone, but by the many countervailing actions designed to weaken and destroy the United Nations.

Those who would see the United Nations reach its potential should support it regardless of any individual actions

taken. This is a body pulled in many directions, and those who would see it pulled in the right directions should not

stop pulling.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:07 PM]

ZetaTalk: Capitalism

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ZetaTalk: Capitalism

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the avarice and greed of the few. Proponents

point to the United States or other western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still reigns for the masses. Is your United States any

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