closer to 6

billion? The billion excluded is those human bodies incarnated by other than terran born souls, in other words, Star Children. And who were we addressing when we stated the percentages of Service-to-Other, Service-to-Self, and

Undecided? Clearly not human bodies who were only a potential for a soul, not having sparked yet. Could these

humans be Service-to-Other, a non-existent soul having made this decision? Could they be undecided, if they were not

yet aware of themselves to the extent of realizing there was a choice? The percentages, reaching 100% in total, were

addressing those approximate 1 billion humans incarnated with terran born souls, sparked in past lifetimes. Thus, the

percentages, how the Earth's human population breaks down, is:

1 billion or so incarnated by terran born souls, which break down into 25% Service-to-Other, 7% Service-to-

Self, and 68% undecided.

1 billion or so incarnated by souls born elsewhere, assisting in the Transformation, in other words, Star Children.

4 billion fogged potentials, dazed and gap-mouthed, trying to sort out the world on their first tour.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:12 PM]

ZetaTalk: Best Intentions

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ZetaTalk: Best Intentions

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Most technological research is done with the best of intentions, unless it is done frankly in the name of weaponry

development. Even the atomic bomb started out in this manner, with a desire to harness the atom for mankind, for a

higher standard of living.

Where research is undertaken with the best of intentions, results cannot be hidden. New technologies inevitably come

under the scrutiny of the power hungry, if only through being marketed or widely used. Most often technology is

patented, and thus comes under scrutiny early in the process. Money is used as the vehicle to gain control of new

technology, with the establishment offering lures, rather than threats. Frank takeovers are rarely attempted, as the same results can be achieved in ways that draw less attention. Talk to the inventor who refused to allow himself to be

bought, and a different picture is drawn. Competition may be structured such that the inventor finds himself without a

market, with the aim that he should capitulate. The invention may be stolen and used, as those without money can

scarcely object effectively in the courts.

If a new technology can be used to boost weapons, the military has means at their disposal which allow them to simply

confiscate the technology. If the technology simply offers a higher standard of living, then those in the establishment,

corporate giants, will use every means at their disposal to reap profits from mankind's eager adoption of the

technology. This is usually masked as a joint arrangement with the inventor, but should one scrutinize the record, most

often the inventor is barely rewarded and the takeover artists become wealthy. The price for any new invention is then

placed at what the market will bear, to maximize profits, so mankind in the end does not benefit as the inventor had


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ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

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ZetaTalk: Hippocratic Oath

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The medical needs of your country have been increasing, but this has been in response to the medical advances made.

As you learn how to keep the human body alive, when born younger as in prematurity or aging far past the point of no

return, the philosophy of the medical community has been that all life at all costs must be saved. Of course, the cost is to be born by someone else, and they are at least indirectly the recipient, so the philosophy is not without self interest.

The philosophy, Hippocratic Oath, is such that this will not change overnight. Legalizing suicide and making common

sense determinations on when to pull the plug on a comatose geriatric case and when to go to heroic efforts to save a

tiny premature baby who will in all likelihood be brain damaged will not be forthcoming anytime soon. The conflict

will continue.

The medical community will be caught, in our opinion, between opposing forces over the next decade. On the one

hand the trend we just described will continue, as medical advances are going to keep coming. On the other hand are

the tight budgets experienced on many levels. The tax payer finds himself increasingly out of a job and finding

employment only on the basis that he provide himself with benefits, which usually equates to no medical benefits. The

federal and state governments toss the issue of who is responsible back and forth, all the while letting the big boys who run the corporations off the hook. Socialized medicine will eventually arrive in the US, and common sense will

eventually prevail not as a changed philosophy but as procedures where delays are such that patients held from death

by a thread will die before treatment arrives.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:13 PM]

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