The rods, extending from the dowser's hands, allow the dowser to note how his hands are reacting. They are a signal

flag, helping the dowser note the whispering voice in his body that is saying 'here, over here, there is a subtle pull toward an electrical current in the ground'.

The pull is within the electrical current in the dowser's own body, which seeks to flow in sync with the electrical

current in the ground.

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ZetaTalk: Gifted Autistics

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ZetaTalk: Gifted Autistics

Note: written on Dec 15, 1996

The human brain under normal circumstances displays but a small portion of its capabilities. The true range of any one

capability is disguised by the need to enlist many capabilities at once, hundreds, in fact. Like a traffic cop handling the flow of traffic on multiple intersections, all with differing rules and timing and speeds, the normal brain activity

interrupts any given thought process so that it barely starts before it stops. If, on the other hand, the traffic cop has but one lane to manage, there would be no interruption, and a vehicle on that road could start and not stop until at its

destination. Therein lies the reason some autistics appear incredibly gifted. They have but a single traffic lane clear,

from beginning to end. Those autistics who entertain more traffic, whether this is evident to those observing them or

not, appear to be simply autistic.

Thus, an autistic who has never spoken or glanced at flash cards held before him or lifted a spoon or fork to feed

themselves may be able to sit at the piano and play a complex piece, having only had the opportunity to observe an

experienced pianist play that piece a single time. Likewise, autistics who have integrated the digital or binary or any

other type of number system can compute as fast as a calculator or computer the results of equations that require

thousands of steps, as long as those steps do not require more than one traffic lane. Complex concepts, involving multiple traffic lanes, receive the same blank, apparently uncomprehending, stare from autistics that is their normal


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ZetaTalk: Suicide Cults

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ZetaTalk: Suicide Cults

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Jim Jones in Guyana, Aum in Japan, and David Koresh at Waco represent an aspect of human social response seldom

understood by those who watch with horror as followers participate in ritual murder and suicide. What is going on

here? To understand one must step back and watch the suicide cult at its beginning.

A key ingredient is the charismatic leader. The mystery of this figurehead disappears when one equates his role as the

cult leader to the father figure in the ordinary household. What are the similarities, and where are there differences?

Both are male, both take sexual advantage of those dependent on them, both are referred to as the ultimate decision

makers, both are given legal or traditional authority which bolsters their control over those dependent on them, and

both tend to be possessive of what they consider their territory. Many will be horrified that we compare cult leaders,

whom they consider evil and perhaps even possessed of Satan, to the male head of household, but the factors that lead

followers to ritual murder and suicide are found in the ordinary household.

Where we have described the leader, let us now describe the followers and equate them to the members of the average

household. They are economically dependent, if only because they have given their worldly goods and services to the

leader, in the same manner most wives hand over their earnings to their husband's control. They understand that to

defy the orders of the leader will only bring punishment, such as physical isolation or food deprivation or even some

form of torture as retribution, in the same manner that errant children may be sent to their rooms, spanked, denied

dessert, and disobedient wives threatened with abandonment or the back of the hand. Since the followers are receiving

support and in most cases love and attention from the cult leader or, in our comparison, the father figure, they

convince themselves that the privations are reasonable and justified. This posture eliminates the discomfit of conflict.

If the head of the household has an unreasonable rule regarding his supply of refrigerated beer, and an otherwise

warmly treated wife breaches this rule by treating her hen party to the husband's supply, then she is likely to conclude

that she had it coming to her when he later bloodies her nose. In this way life can go on.

Having set this stage, what happens to cause followers to commit ritual murder and suicide? Basically the cult leader,

having established himself as the father figure or head of household in the eyes of his followers, begins to change the

rules. This happens gradually, and in a manner not unlike what happens in households where the children begin to be

sexually abused as an extension of the normal relationship between husband and wife. In this case the wife is told

abuse of the children is her fault, as she is inadequate in some way. The cult leader also uses guilt, so that punishment of certain infractions becomes ritualized. Once so established the cult leader or abusive father increases the severity of punishments, until death of a follower or family member occurs. How often does it occur that children are found

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