comfortable in

one's birth sex. The latter is almost always the cause of homosexuality, but the cause is overlooked as the symptom,

pairing with the same sex, is so distressing to parents. Long before the young child develops the habit of releasing

sexual tension with others of the same sex a struggle has been going on - whether to compete with the parent of the

same sex, whether to assume that role. Where these thoughts go through most young minds, there are other factors at

play. Is the parent of the opposite sex warm and attractive or cold and repellent, is the young child accepted or

rewarded when assuming the role of the birth sex, or punished in some subtle manner.

Classmates also play a role, although a child comfortably grounded within the nuclear family will almost never turn to

homosexuality as a result of bullying by playmates. The opposite is true. Regardless of the school environment, a child

distressed within the nuclear family by the concept of stepping into the shoes that the birth sex requires will almost

never put these concerns aside when away from home.

Are homosexuals born? No, although the preferences of the incarnating spirit play a small role. Physical differences

pointed to as a cause are a reaction, as the degree to which the mind can influence physical development is little

understood. As with any habit that humans develop, change requires that the cause, and not the symptom, be

examined. It does little good to berate homosexuals, who have not so much chosen their lifestyle as been driven to it,

and at a very young age. The toddler, or pre-school child, is scarcely making an intellectual choice. They are avoiding

distress, punishment, and in many cases what they see as crushing and oppressive situations, or even, in their childish

eyes, as possible death. Psychiatrists are quite aware of these scenarios, and explain them well.

Do we, the Zetas, have homosexuals among us? Most certainly, as the dramas that incarnation presents are the same in

all life forms. The sex drive will take a direction, and habits formed young are hard to break. It's as simple as that. Do we approve? Let's put it this way - we do not disapprove. We, in the Service-to-Other, spend our time caring for, not

berating, each other.

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ZetaTalk: Those Who Mourn

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ZetaTalk: Those Who Mourn

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

One does not let go of a loved one just because they have died. They live still, in the hearts and minds of those who

remember, miss them, or have unfinished business. Grief is most acute where the loved one filled a void not yet filled.

The side of the bed, where once a warm body breathed and snored, now cold and empty. No one to talk to, share with,

fuss over. Shattered plans, with the one, perhaps, that was to make them possible now gone. The grieving one feels

bereft, deserted, unloved and frightened. They must start anew on many fronts, but how? So many comforts, assumed

to be solid, now vaporized. Some ache for a long time, and if the ache cannot be filled, many follow the beloved into

death. A type of suicide, as chronic grief kills.

Is this good? Your therapists tell you it is important to grieve, to get it out and dispel it, and they are, of course,

correct. Repressed emotions poison. It is the next stage that is most often neglected - rebuilding a life. The dutiful wife, placing flowers on a grave year after year, has not filled her life with the care of others. Are there no others about who need her care? She has not looked, or noticed. Refusal to rebuild a life is seldom what it is purported to be - devotion.

This is a cover for what is really going on - reluctance and denial. Rebuilding means stepping into new territory,

testing and proving oneself, taking risks, facing rebuffs, getting burned. So much easier to take flowers to the grave

and get admiring nods and smiles from the community. So devoted.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:24 PM]

Document Outline

ZetaTalk: Being Human

Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

ZetaTalk: Fight or Flight

ZetaTalk: Repressed Emotions

ZetaTalk: Stress Diseases

ZetaTalk: Escape Reality

ZetaTalk: Autism Rise

ZetaTalk: Psychosis

ZetaTalk: Anxiety

ZetaTalk: Denial

ZetaTalk: Bad News

ZetaTalk: Certainty

ZetaTalk: Answers

ZetaTalk: The Insecure

ZetaTalk: Disaster Reactions

ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up

ZetaTalk: When Things Go Wrong

ZetaTalk: Leadership, Earned

ZetaTalk: Pending Partners

ZetaTalk: Soul Personalities

ZetaTalk: Physical Fitness

ZetaTalk: Walking Erect

ZetaTalk: Auras

ZetaTalk: Curing Cancer

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