anger represses this, but the boiling rage he feels at times expresses itself when he is out with the other boys, in

pranks. He may package other aspects of his personality into this persona too, so that he is not only reserving anger for these times, but being messy and slouching rather than standing straight, too. Rebellion time, a common situation in


Individuals who develop multiple personality disorders are raised in harsh and hostile social environments where

conflicts and duality are rampant. Children who observe hypocrisy in the adults around them soon pick up this duality,

but most often it is a conscious duality. One compliments someone to their face, but behind that individual's back

denigrates them, being two-faced as you say. In multiple personality disorder the need to be two-faced is extreme, and

is not just a nicety but a lifesaving tactic. If mother cannot abide discussing sex much less observing any expression of sexual heat, but father is molesting the children regularly barely outside of the mother's view, then extreme duality is

present. Perhaps things get broken at those times, in the tussle, but where mother ordinarily demands immaculate

neatness she has a remarkable tolerance for broken lamps and tossed pillows after a molestation episode - more

duality. The child trying to cope in this situation may thus package their messy persona in with their sexual persona.

In response to the duality their childhood presents, the human developing a multiple personality will compartmentalize

the various aspects of their personality. Anger, the sex drive, curiosity, aggression, greed, sloth, artistic expression, fear, compassion - those aspects of the persona that are compatible are packaged together, as they are let out to be free at the same time. For multiple personality disorder to develop, harsh duality is not only present in early life but is the situation throughout childhood and frequently into early adulthood. The compartmentalization encompasses their whole

early life, and forms the base for the later years. Thus cut into pieces, the sufferer finds they cannot cope with ordinary life. The socially proper persona may be on-line while the individual is standing in the checkout line when someone

nearby drops a jar, shattering the jar and splashing tomato sauce everywhere. The proper persona goes off- line, in

distress, and when the messy persona takes over those at the grocery store find themselves standing next to an entirely

different person!

Invariably, in multiple personality disorders, the individual is not able to cope. This permeates their life, evident in

social situations and employment alike. Ordinary living requires the many sides of an individual to be present at the[2/5/2012 1:28:20 PM]

ZetaTalk: Multiple Personality

same time. A business meeting requires one to be calm and orderly to absorb the subject matter, but also to be

aggressive when presenting one's opinion, fearful of being rejected, and angry when rejection occurs. An individual

who has rigidly packaged their persona may find at least three different persona called out during such a meeting,

ineffectively handling this social situation and startling their co-workers. Thus, they get fired, become reclusive, and

often remain in the home where their personalities were warped in the first place - the victim yet again.

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ZetaTalk: Dowsing

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ZetaTalk: Dowsing

Note: written on Apr 15, 1997

The practice of dowsing, using divining rods to locate water, is so common as to not be doubted, but no one, including

the practitioner, understands how they work. Some humans can douse, but most cannot, so its recognized to be a talent

or ability within the practitioner. Dowsing works best when the dowser is allowed to walk about out in the fields and

forest by him or herself, uninterrupted. When crowds follow about, they are less likely to find water, and many

dowsers come unannounced at odd hours to assure themselves the privacy they require. Dowsers are called upon when

all else fails. Well after well has been dug, following the geologists recommendations on the lay of the land, location

of local springs, emergence of underground streams or rivers, stratification of rock layers, and success of other wells in the area. In despair, the dowser is brought in, and against all odds and against all reason they point to an unlikely place and chances are that a well placed there will be productive. What is going on during dowsing, and how does this


An oft quoted phrase is that man is 98% water, as is all plant and animal life. Water carries electric current, if fact so effectively that lightning will race through water as well as metal wires on its way to the ground. The human body

senses electrical charges in the vicinity, as the movement of electrons in all their many forms is not isolated to where

the current is running. An electric current creates an electrical field around it, just as a river of water causes humidity in the air nearby. Humans are sensitive to electric current, as the higher rate of cancer in those who live near high

tension wires attests. The dowser listens to what his body is telling him, a very quiet voice but a voice nonetheless.

The electrical current in groundwater is stronger where the water has filled all connected air pockets that might act as

insulators. This fact has been noted by geologists monitoring earthquakes, as the electrostatic bursts increase as the ground comes under pressure preceding an earthquake. Geologists recognize that this increase in electrostatic bursts is

due to compression of the groundwater. The dowser is locating, with his sensitive body, those places where the

groundwater has collected and accumulated, coming under pressure in that it cannot easily leave. The mystery of the divining rods is more easily understood when one understands that the divining rods are in fact the dowser's hands.

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