likely denial will be used to deal with the discomfort the event engenders. Denial of horrific events is so common as to be almost an

everyday event in human lives. The ease with which the conscious mind of humans can sever memories so the mental

pathways are not traveled readily adds to this, as it is a ready route to be taken by those who want to forget or put an

alternate story into place. Those responsible for an accident begin to think that the victim himself caused it, thus

relieving themselves of responsibility. Those responsible for a crime likewise excuse themselves by blaming the


This tendency is one reason the most heinous crimes, such as the mass rape of a young girl, can be turned around to be

her responsibility. She was flirtatious, and brought it all down upon herself. By this all men who turned an eye toward

a vulnerable girl and pondered having her in a helpless state are relieved of responsibility for the acts that such

thoughts might engender. They tell themselves that they are not the perpetrators, even in their thoughts, as the victim was guilty. Likewise the holocaust is often explained away as something the Jews brought down upon themselves, due

to being financially and professionally successful. Then engendered jealously, so they had it coming to them! If this

does not fly as an excuse, then the holocaust never happened. Those wishing to deny that thoughts can turn into

action, and that they share the thoughts that the perpetrators held, will even cling to the absurd rather than discomfit


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ZetaTalk: Forgiving

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ZetaTalk: Forgiving

Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

Forgiving someone who has injured one involves two parties - the injured and the perpetrator.

Circumstances may be such that the injury was an accident and the perpetrator horrified and asking what they can do

to make amends. In this case the path to forgiveness is already paved with possibilities, and the injured has but to

specify what is required to make amends and the two parties will begin to heal each other. Circumstances may be such

that the injury was an accident but the perpetrator in denial. Nothing has happened, and even if it did it wasn't their

fault. In this case forgiving the injury must take place on separate paths, with the injured coming to terms with the

accident as just that - an accident. The perpetrator has already forgiven himself, as he wasn't there and there is nothing to forgive. Circumstances may also be such that the injury was deliberate, but was a result of a disagreement, a fight,

and fault lies all around. One was pushed beyond his limits and lashed out. One was steadily tortured until a dark

mood overtook him. In these cases forgiveness usually progresses rapidly, as both parties are clearly cognizant of the

underlying currents and the shared responsibility for what has happened. Tears, hugs, and a resolve to be more careful

in the future.

Forgiveness is most difficult where the injury is deliberate and no fault lies in the one injured - a true victim, an

innocent. And thus the perpetrator has savaged the injured for sport, for a power trip, or to simply gratify themselves at the expense of another. In these cases forgiveness is inappropriate, and is not the issue. In these cases the injured

should be concentrating not on forgiveness, but on defense, and after ending the assaults on changing the

circumstances that allowed the injury in the first place. Does your criminal justice system forgive the sadistic murderer and say to the victim - the problem is yours as you have not learned to forgive?

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 1:28:19 PM]

ZetaTalk: Multiple Personality

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ZetaTalk: Multiple Personality

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

The human mind has the capacity to deliberately forget, allowing the amnesia state to wash away bridges between

chemical memory lanes. This is but a step away from compartmentalizing memories into packages the human feels

capable of dealing with at one time.

Brain chemistry and brain structure wise, the process is the same. The average human can point to instances in himself

or others where selective forgetting occurred. One just forgets that embarrassing moment or that appointment to go to

the dentist. In amnesia the chemistry in the brain shuts down to the extent that the conscious brain is not recording new memories or playing back old memories. It's off-line, rather than on-line, as they say in the computer business.

Individuals recovering from coma move in and out of this state when first awakening. Selective amnesia attacks just

those bridges that lead to painful memories, washing these away. Here the conscious brain chemistry is not affected as

a whole but is altered at the site due to the strong emotions engendered. The chemical process, however, is the same

for selective amnesia, total amnesia, or multiple personality disorders.

Its not uncommon for humans to have what they call different sides, or to have what is called a Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

Hyde personality. This is the same mental technique that those suffering from multiple personality disorder employ.

Situations and the responses to those situations that are by their nature incompatible are compartmentalized. Take anger, for instance, a common facet of the personality to be suppressed. The little boy who is punished for expressing

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