product of rape and
downtrodden, and was held in great esteem, this reverence expressed in devotion to his symbol, the Star of David. His
lineage, the House of David, was noted primarily for its courageous leadership, not surprising when one considers the
ancestry.[2/5/2012 1:34:02 PM]
ZetaTalk: David and Goliath
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There is confusion about the Quarantine, as this was
aware of was increasing problems while living on Earth. They considered Earth to be a swamp, in any case, full of
carnivores their world does not have, and disease. They lost Gold shipments in heavy storms at sea, lost slaves and
soldiers to accidents, and became disenchanted with living on Earth. They were already on Mars, and this became
increasingly attractive. After leaving, in the main, they found mankind increasing in numbers and tinkering with
technology, tool, etc. However, there were some who[2/5/2012 1:34:03 PM]
ZetaTalk: Day of Rest
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The Christian rule that one should rest on the seventh day grew by bits and pieces. This was never a rule that Jesus set down, as he was not so silly. In the beginning this rule, like many that mankind ends up slavishly following, was
expedient for a given locale at a given time. The workers were burning out, and needed guidelines. This could be
equated to a union steward insisting that the 40 hour week be maintained. When others heard about this new social
benefit and desired this for themselves, they had to put some meat into it and thus placed God behind the order. Since this story benefited those who spread it, the story spread like wildfire.[2/5/2012 1:34:03 PM]
ZetaTalk: Damnation
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A common curse among humans is to damn someone to hell, to damnation or its equivalent. Children are warned to
mind their behavior or they will likewise be damned. Damnation, as the fires of hell, is spoken of as something one
does not escape - one is judged once and forever. Is such a thing possible? Punishment is only one side of this coin,
with bribery found on the other side. Be[2/5/2012 1:34:04 PM]
ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues
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A long running theme in Christianity is the fainting or babbling hysteria that on occasion overcomes nuns. Where other religious practices such as voodoo have an equivalent, such as the dancing frenzy that ends in a short coma, this is an activity and result that is deliberately encouraged. Christian frenzies are notable for appearing to be visited upon the faithful, as something they neither desired or encouraged, and most certainly not something they incited. The self, and the sexual inhibitions the Christian church often imposes, are precisely the source, however. Even religions as
repressive as Islam have sexual outlets unthinkable in Christian doctrine.
Christianity states that sex is wrong, per se, and should only be indulged in when self discipline breaks down.
Masturbation, an utterly harmless and completely natural activity, is postured as a sin against nature.
Those who must indulge are funneled into marriage, their only outlet, and then only a marriage blessed by the
For Catholics, this is also a single marriage during a life time.
Then there is the matter of contraception, where those Catholics who allow themselves to indulge in sex, in their
proscribed single marriage in a lifetime, must also allow as many children as possible to result.
And those who would side step these restrictions into homosexual alliances are damned to burn in hell!
These strictures mean that very few Christians, and in particular very few Catholics, will have any guilt free sexual
thought of getting out of the bind. Thus, good Catholics try not to think about it, try to live a sex free life in spite of their hormones, and some go into the monasteries and nunneries hoping the environment will help them in this regard.