ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

lifestyles of the hierarchy. Those in the halls of power in the Church know otherwise, but comfort themselves that

nothing can be done to save mankind anyway. Oh? Are they planning to do nothing for themselves? Nothing to place themselves on solid rock and away from coastlines? Such is the love of those in the halls of power in the Church. Are

they following the advice of Jesus to love the least among them? Are they following the Golden Rule? Are they

warning those along coastlines and near volcanoes or in crumbling cities? Are they allowing them the human right to

make their own decisions about where they wish to be, or where they wish to take those they love? It appears the Church is being run by dictators, looking out for themselves, solely, to the end.

Asked in 1980 why the Secret had yet to be released, Pope John Paul II told a German audience:

‘Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of

Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically

preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know

this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth;

that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is no longer any point in really

wanting to publish this secret message.’


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ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

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ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

written Apr 22, 2005

Would the Zetas care to comment on the recent election of the new Pope; what really went on in the secret

conclave; how this particular Pope got himself elected; and whether the world is any closer to a true

revelation about the End Times or not?

Pope selection is at its base a political process, and thus its secrecy. What were the politics during this last selection, where an ex-NAZI, a Hitler youth, a member of Hitler’s armed forces, was elevated? Known as an ultra- conservative,

known as the enforcer of papal edicts on disclosure of pedophilia abuse, his signature on memos reminding Bishops of

their duty in this matter, his fingerprints in recent times are likewise revealing of a brutal and suppressive nature. We have, throughout the life of ZetaTalk, spoken of organized religion as preaching not love and empathy and the practices that Jesus taught, but insisting on control and rules and suppression by fear - excommunication, kept from Heaven, exiled from the comforts that the Church claims it can provide. Pedophilia is protected while the use of contraception in marriage is a sin. Protecting the wealth of the Church for the use of the elite within the Church is a prime concern, while demands are made on the poor to support the Church.

We have also, from the start of ZetaTalk, mentioned that polarizing of good vs evil, what we term Service- to-Other behavior vs Service-to-Self, will be on the increase during the Transformation, and is already in process. Those in the Service-to-Self circle their wagons, sensing that they are losing, their grip slipping, tightening their secrecy rules and becoming suspicious even of each other so that plots and schemes abound in the halls of the powerful, and vicious

attacks to eliminate perceived threats evident. Beyond the paranoia and tight cliques, there is concern about those in

the general populace that the Service-to-Self group have influence over. This as is true of the Church as it is of

political control in various countries. We have described this as breakaway consternation where restlessness in those they control, the populace lifting their eyes to the horizon and sensing freedom from rules and constraints, is viewed

with horror by their essential slave masters. Those who question this view, the Church as slave masters, should spend a day walking in the shoes of those raised Catholic, the number of rituals and rules followed, the lack of compassion and pain that results, and the threat of punishment if they try to escape. Among Catholics, this is termed excommunication

and being dammed to Hell. The Catholic Church is at its base a financial institution, with each faithful Catholic an

asset, and these assets under bondage.

Given that, what factors lead to the choice of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope?

The first reaction of those losing control is to tighten their grip, so the choice of an ultra-conservative could be

presumed. In these matters, emotion, the fear of loss and rage over loss of control, rides over logic. If Catholics in the US and Europe are leaving the Church in droves, a lighter hand over matters such as abortion or contraception would

be a logical move, but the emotional urge is to punish the escaping flock, and sexual matters have always been a weapon within the Church. We have explained that those in the Service-to-Self, which many at the helm of the Church

are, glory in their power and the proof of that power is the ability to cause misery in others. Thus, the sadist, who

causes pain in horrific ways simply to prove that he can do it. View the Church’s rulings on abortion, placing the mother’s life in consideration, and especially contraception, where married couples are forbidden from preventing

unwanted additions to the family, regardless of hardship even including death of the mother should she conceive again,

and where prevention of AIDS is a secondary consideration to following the absolute edicts of the Church. Yet

pedophilia is protected, continued by secrecy, at the highest levels within the Church.

The second reaction of those losing control is to tighten alliances. Where it would seem that a German Pope would not

please Israel, or might displease others factions wanting their nation so honored, alliances are not so obvious. This is an alliance of those determined to dominate the common man, enslave them, retain unquestioning control, and in this

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ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

regard Pope Ratzinger has a similar view to those controlling the White House at present, those in control in Israel,

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