lowering areas, or push up under pressure from below, and thus tension and stress accumulate over time. Just as plates

resist change, and break suddenly during earthquakes along their edges where they are scraping or pressing against

each other, in a like manner, permafrost snaps and is accompanied by minor earthquakes. These earthquakes are barely

perceptible, but can be recorded by instruments.

Such snaps can occur due to impact of small meteors, or when a fireball comes close to the surface during its intense

burning. Heated air causes this air above the permafrost to become lighter and less dense, and in addition can soften or

melt the permafrost. Pressure points that already existed are then given an opening, and create a snap in such close

relationship to the sighting of the meteor that nearby observers assume an impact when none might have occurred.

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ZetaTalk: Moon Halos

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ZetaTalk: Moon Halos

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.

We have stated that as the time of the passage approaches, that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase, as

well as weather irregularities. These are all in evidence and can be charted, so the increase is palpable. In addition, we

have stated as early as 1995 that weather irregularities will include droughts and deluges, interchanging, such that it

approaches snow in summer and early spring occurring in mid-winter. This has become so commonplace as to no

longer receive comment. Green meteors, increasing in fire balls in the sky as meteors descend, and booms and flashes

due to heaving seas and methane explosions are also increasingly reported. These are all evidences of the Earth

responding to her approaching brother, to increased swirling in the core, and the trash in the outer solar system wafting

in as motion inward toward the solar system is increasing.

What other effects, not yet commented upon, but occurring or due to occur, can be expected? In early 2002, a distinct

halo around the Moon became noticeable, and this is directly related to increased ash in the atmosphere. As is well

noted in Troubled Times, there are more volcanoes active at the current time than in the memory of man. This does not

just affect the local area, as ash, fine ash, drifts upward and is carried world wide. After the pole shift, this ash will

create dramatic sunsets and dawns, far beyond what mankind expects today. An orange sky will become almost the

norm, so that children born during this era will be shocked some decades hence when the sky turns blue. But as the

shift approaches, such halos will become more commonplace, surrounding the moon, bright lights, and cease to receive

comment as even more disturbances distract troubled mankind.

Note: below added during the August 3, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We have commenting about increasing illness, germs migrating about, wildlife and fish getting sick, and this is the

biological evidence of earth changes. There are also atmospheric changes, such as the halo surrounding the Moon

mentioned months ago, and of course the weather changes which mankind is unable to explain or predict. What caused

the black blotches appearing on New Jersey pavements? Pollution in the atmosphere, not moving away as formerly,

hovering, at a lower level, interacting with other chemicals, a type of congealed inversion. In other words, the weather!

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ZetaTalk: Black Water

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ZetaTalk: Black Water

Note: written during the March 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Recently, reports of black water in the Gulf of Mexico have hit the news, with no explanation. What is causing this, in

waters otherwise clear enough for scuba diving? Over the past couple years, man has become aware that ocean fish

have migrated north, along with the warmer waters, and the flow patterns changing around the world. But a change

such as the black water is not due to changed flow patterns, but to new vents opening up along fault lines under the

Caribbean area. As we have stated, the Caribbean and Central Americas will be devastated during the shift, as the

weak link when the plates are on the move and crashing into each other, and even before this when stretching and

ripping and compression occur. This activity does not altogether occur during the hour of the shift, or the week of

rotation stoppage, as the stress on the Earth's crust is apparent even now. Increased quake activity, volcanic activity,

and signs of just where in the crust that dramatic changes will occur are evident, if one reads the signs. There is more

than hot lava that oozes up in crevasses, as most fault lines are layered and not giving access to hot lava to the surface.

Dirt, rather than solid rock, may be trapped between layers, and when a fault pulls apart this dirt will be released into

the water above. Thus, this is a phenomena that may be repeated elsewhere around the world, as the shift approaches,

where such dirt or debris is trapped between rock layers at present.

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