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ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream

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ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996.

Among the excuses given by the establishment for the geological changes increasingly at hand is the lowered jet stream

excuse. Why would the jet stream lower? As anyone who watches the weather reports knows, weather predicting is a

science. Rain doesn’t just happen, it is caused by moist warm air being pushed over cool air, which remains as the

lower strata due to cool air being more compact and thus heavier. The rain forms when the warm air begins to cool and

compress as it rises, squeezing the moisture out as condensation. Thus, where primitive man would assume the rain to

be a curse or a blessing from the gods, modern man looks to the cause. What cause is being given for a lowered jet


All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:55:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs

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ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Increasingly, as the core of the Earth adjusts to the approach of her brother, the 12th Planet, this is reflected on the

surface of the planet. Humans are aware of radio waves, x-rays, electro-magnetic fields, and gravitational tugs. This is

but a tiny fraction of the invisible influences and all of them are affected by the approach of the 12th Planet. Life at the

moment of conception and at key points during development of the embryo where cell specialization or the inception

of limbs and organs occurs, is delicate, and under more than the influence of DNA. Look to what the drug

Thalidomide did to the formation of limbs, where a chemical influence interfered with the message intended by the

DNA, and children raised under high power lines developed cancer at an undue rate.

As with white buffalo calves being born, deformed frogs, which will soon be appearing world wide, are heralding the

approach of the 12th Planet.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:55:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Big Birds

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ZetaTalk: Big Birds

Note: written during the Oct 26, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

In Australia there are reportedly large lizards larger than a man, not including the long tail. This has been sighted, but

not captured, by man. Nessie is also not alone in being a remnant to the dinosaur in fresh water lakes and rivers,

reported in an Australian rivers as well as other places around the world. No capture or photo exists. On occasion, a

previously extinct species is located, still alive and flourishing. Thus, man is not aware of all the animals around him,

nor are all well documented and researched. The current earth changes bring about seasonal changes that change the

food patterns, the hunting grounds, and the availability of food for many species. It is not true that the size of species is

delimited by DNA, as the size of young humans in Japan, compared to their oldsters, demonstrates. Nutrition

availability is taken advantage of, with a steady increase in size among offspring due to influences that affect what

DNA expresses or is repressed. Not only will animals, predators and prey alike, be found outside their known habitat,

they will be found stunted or larger than expected, due to changes in food availability and the seasons where growth is

normal in a species. Dormancy may not occur, resulting in continuing growth.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:55:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes

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ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes

Note: written on Apr 15, 1997.

One of the surest signs that the current eccentricity in weather patterns and the increased magnetic diffusion exhibited

by the Earth’s core and the warming of the oceans from the bottom up are not simply variations on the norm is the

dramatic increase in deep earthquakes, as noted since the mid 1980’s. This of course gets little media attention, just as

the increasing magnetic diffusion is not in the media, as they are difficult symptoms to explain. The increase in deep

earthquakes, those indicating plate adjustments at the most fundamental level, are in particular a telling clue that a pole

shift is in the Earth’s near future. Few earthquakes register at this level normally, as most quakes registered by man are

on the fragile and easily crumbled surface.

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