was a time of great darkness, in which they were stumbling over rock. In many cases, because of the earthquakes, new
rocks with very sharp edges had been tossed, and the old paths were no longer walkable. So they were stumbling and
climbing and it was important to lead the lame and the small children, the cattle and sheep in tow, and perhaps an ox
cart - to find a path where they all could flow over and struggle forward and not find that they were faced with a cliff
or huge boulders that they would have to climb over. So the light was directing which way to go as they approached.
In the past, ZetaTalk was unable to explain the degree to which Spirit Guides and visitors could assist humans during
times of trouble, so as not to interfere with the sense that humans in 3rd Density are to have that responsibility for their
life is in their hands, and that they will not be rescued by parent figures or those they might consider gods. We, the
Zetas, sought and were given special permission from the Council of Worlds to detail how Noah and Moses were
assisted, as it was deemed that ZetaTalk has a following that is already taking responsibility for the path their lives will
take, in the main.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p123.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:18 AM]
ZetaTalk: Tales
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Past cataclysms appear in print more than is recognized. Tales where the earth yaws wide and swallows cities or
hapless humans who tumble into the yaw are
bridges, and heave roads. Yaws that open and re-close may seem to occur only in story books, but they are based on
real events that sometimes occur during cataclysms. Fairly tales sometimes describe mountains that rise from the earth
overnight, or caverns and passageways into the mountains that open suddenly or disappear just as suddenly. This is all
attributed to magic but to primitive humans who had no forewarning of a pole shift, emerging the morning after
horrendous wind and rain storms to find the landscape rearranged must have seemed like magic.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p55.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting
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The parting of the Red Sea so that Moses could lead his people to safety is counted as an act of God, a miracle, but in
fact occurred during the last cataclysms. The waters were separated partly due to the fact that there was sloshing of
water and heaving of ground, but such a thing as the fact that the Red Sea could part, and that the whole troop could
pass, and then come closed just as the enemy was about to follow in their footsteps, was not a natural occurrence. As
you might imagine, things can be moved aside and artificial barriers such as force fields put in place. We are capable
of putting a force field down that any weapon that humans possess could not penetrate, yet it is invisible. Without
going into the technology of such a force field, this was simply put down, the water sucked out and put on the other
side of the force field, allowing high walls of water on either side. Due to the intensity and fear, and excruciating
knowledge of what they would receive at the hands of the Egyptians if they were recaptured, and the fervent following
that Moses had, they all wandered into this in a leap of faith to a one, and crossed whole. The sea floor heaved up,
temporarily, long enough to provide safe passage to Moses but not long enough for the Pharaoh's hapless soldiers, who
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p54.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Jonah
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The story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell of it, occurred, but not exactly as told. During pole
shifts, massive tidal waves heave whales onto the land, dashing them in the process. Debris of all types - living, dead,
or inanimate - is heaped and tossed together. A man who would survive such a process would need protection, and one
so lucky as to be tossed into the gaping mouth of a dead whale may find himself buffered from trauma, a survivor. Of
course this did not occur under water, as the man would have been drowned. The whale was being washed ashore, its
gullet open to the air. Such a situation would not arise in the present day, but during a cataclysm is possible.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p53.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: Submerged Roads
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