During every pole shift some land, particularly coastal land near a widening ocean rift, submerges. This has been the
case on the eastern seaboard of the US, and in the Caribbean. Traces of a submerged civilization can be seen under the
waves off Bermuda - roads, sign posts, and walls. Who lived there, and where, if anywhere, did this civilization go?
This civilization was no more advanced than the ancient Mayan and Incan civilizations, and came from the same base.
Where local Indians and slave labor brought from Africa formed the bulk of the populace, the ruling elite was, at that
time, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, who have left their footprints in many lands. This land has been
dragged down over successive pole shifts, to its present depth, so slipping under the waves was not as dramatic as it
might seem. Following the tidal waves that always accompany a pole shift the land was permanently changed, low
lying areas now under water. As the melting poles soon cause the oceans to encroach on the shorelines, the surviving
inhabitants are forced to flee inland, and thus the historical record tends to get lost.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p66.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ancient Maps
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An unanswered puzzle that cartographers struggle with is the presence of ancient maps that indicate the equator and the
poles were not
they are essentially known today, cannot be denied. These were not fantasy maps, but were drawn with markings that
relate to the placement of stars and compasses, the guides sailors use when far out at sea. There is no ready
explanation, as the detail and consistency do not indicate confusion, and a matter as central to map making as the
placement of the equator and poles would not likely be confused. The obvious answer is staring these cartographers in
the face, but the reason they fail to consider the answer is due to the anxiety it engenders. Pole shifts occur often, have
occurred in recent time, and could occur again!
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p87.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Loch Ness Monster
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Nessie is no monster at all, but a gentle giant no more aggressive than Sea Cows. This species lives in numerous places
around the globe, but has only come to attention in small inland lakes. Is this a fresh water creature? Yes, but one that
can adapt to brackish waters. It became trapped in Loch Ness during a pole shift, where land routinely heaves up out of
the sea and drops in other places below the waves. Thus trapped, the creature proceeded with its normal life, munching
vegetation and fish and occasionally popping its head above the surface to sense if it's missing any munchies. Nessie is
nearly blind, and relies on a sense of smell, which underwater is sensitive to chemicals in the water, but in the air
catches small particles carried in the breeze. Could Nessie come out of the lake and lumber about? Hardly. This
creature requires water to breath, having gills along its sides, and thus cannot bring more than its head out of the water.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p44.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Yeti
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The Abominable Snowman, known as Yeti by the locals, is simply a variation on the Bigfoot form. Just as man,
migrating, has evolved to fit his environment, so the Yeti adjusted to the climate when it changed after a pole shift.
White fur increases the survival in snowy surroundings, and like Snow Bunnies, Yetis born with white fur were more
likely to escape predators and grow to adulthood and propagate. There are fewer Yeti than Bigfoot, as having adapted
to the snowscape, they cannot safely leave.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p45.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Brainerd Lake
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