like hail

stones. Why does this not burn, as meteors regularly do? Some do, but their number overwhelms the Earth's defenses,

the majority not igniting at all. By this time the Earth's upper atmosphere is tearing away, dispelled into space and no

longer snug as a mantle around the Earth. Now comes an occasional boulder, falling without resistance on the hapless


Those who would escape the wicked lick of this tail are advised to take shelter against cliffs, in caves, in valleys, or

under metal roofs. Its passage is swift, a matter of days, and the ending abrupt.

Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

During every passage, there are some debris which land on the surface of Earth, as the atmosphere is stripped away to

a great extent and the tail of the passing comet contains much large debris. Boulders drop, thudding to Earth and

crushing quickly anything beneath them. It is reported in folklore that hail stones, gravel, lashes the Earth, but those

reporting this have sought shelter and are thus alive to report. During the last passage the reports stated that crops and

small trees were utterly destroyed by these hail storms. That some craters are in the news lately is not because they

have just been discovered, but because there is increasing talk about Star Wars, asteroid shields, Near Earth Orbit

passes, and this has awakened concerns. The establishment wants this heightened concern, as they still hope to erect

some magic shield to zap out anything coming close, which is fantasy. In the first place, such a shield itself would be

torn from the skies, ineffectual, absent, and probably crashing to Earth itself as a source of destruction. In the second[2/5/2012 9:55:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail

place, the trash is so intense that any zapping laser would not keep up with it. The best defense for humans is to huddle

near cliffs, out of the wind, not in open fields, as most missiles that crash to Earth, large boulders, will not drop

straight down! They come in at an angle, and will glance off hilltops, bouncing about. Thus, those in ravines are

unlikely to experience a direct hit.

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ZetaTalk: Red Dust

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ZetaTalk: Red Dust

Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The red dust cloud evolved as many planets in the solar system are heavy in this element, Mars, for instance. There are

portions of the Earth that exhibit a red clay soil, Australia and the Southeastern US, but this is not a native soil as

much as an accumulation of deposits. During the breakup of the Asteroid Belt, many planets that had this element,

heavily, were pelted to pieces. Molten lava spewed into space became the asteroids. Iron ore is magnetically

configured to pull out of any soup it is free to move within, and does so particularly in space. Thus, the dust, during

poofing off into space during demolition derby's as Planet X and its complex of Moons moved through what is now

the Asteroid Belt, moved, and became part of the Planet X tail. Planet X, like a big magnet, swept through the area

during the poofing phase, and emerged with a larger dust cloud, each time.

We have mentioned that the tail curls toward the Earth, pulled by gravity and magnetic and other attractants, thus red

dust lands hours before the point of passage. Thus, red dusting is a countdown clue, that only hours remain. The Earth,

at this point, has been stopped in its rotation for days, approximately a week. Thus, since the South Pacific is more in

line with where the tail is coming from, will this be the spot where the lick of the tail is first experienced? Dust clouds,

as anyone experiencing a sand storm will attest, have a life of their own. The cloud itself exists because there is some

kind of glue holding it together. The dust clings to the debris which clings to the larger debris such as moons, and

these cling to Planet X. There is more than gravity involved, as this is too simplistic an explanation, and more than

magnetism though the iron ore is certainly more magnetically active than most dust clouds.

Debris follows the pattern of the tail, all being included in the dynamics. Debris toward the end of a moon swirl that is

curling toward the Earth and giving it a tail lick, so to speak, may be as massive and likely to cause damage as debris

toward the Planet X portion of the tail. Look to the planets in the Ecliptic, with the more massive at outer orbits. The

planets have their positions, their placement, for various reasons, and size is not the determinant as to what is closest to

the gravitational giant, the Sun. In like manner, larger debris may in fact be trailing smaller, within a moon swirl

trailing behind Planet X. Thus, all parts of the globe report debris, China as well as Egypt, in the past. The tail streams

behind Planet X, which is moving rapidly and has been during the preceding months, and is involved in swirling

motions as the Moons have a dance between themselves. Thus, there is motion already.

A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has magnetic as well as gravity attraction.

Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a

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