larger in volume than cold

mud has not been considered, as it has never been a concern of man’s. Heat is particles in motion, and they bump

atoms about so that expansion is the result. All land surface will be heated due to the swirling of the core, the heat to

the extent that it can escape into the land surface doing so. The result? This surface will expand, crevasses opening,

flaky layers of rock separating, and buckling occurring that creates spaces in the interior of rock. Under the oceans,

this equates to a higher ocean bottom, with the water needing to go someplace, and as the bottom is moving up, the sea

level can only go up also. Thus, where this cannot be computed by man, being a missing dynamic in his statistics, this

is the explanation for why our 675 foot rise does not compute given the known factors - water volume and increase per

degree of heat rise.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:55:42 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rebirth

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ZetaTalk: Rebirth

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The Earth of the future will clear up. There are several factors that affect the Earth's health. For one, the cataclysms

will make changes. The Earth's population will reduce by 90%. Polluting practices, such as burning oil and chemical

additives, will essentially stop. Life, such as continues, will be primitive. Massive land changes will occur, with land

rising from the ocean depths and existing land sinking below the sea. Rain fall will be almost continuous, washing the

newly raised land of its salts. Pollutants, such as chemical processing plants, will be dispersed worldwide. And the

atmosphere, with its many problems, will be reformed afresh.

The Earth recovers from a shift in relationship to its location relative to active volcanoes, in the main. The skies

clear first where this dust is in the high altitudes, not in the wind-drift from fresh ash just raised. 5 years after

the shift, even 2 years after the shift, some sporadic sunlight will warm the Earth. Those areas not getting direct,

unclouded, sunlight will notice an increase in intensity, through the clouds. It is possible even under clouds to

get a sunburn, so clouds are not a death sentence to vegetation. 10 years after the shift, many parts of the globe

will consider themselves back to normal, although their memory will be failing them in this regard. So much

better than before, that it seems like heaven! Other parts of the globe, in the down-drift from volcanoes, will feel

like Moses, enduring 40 years in the Valley of Death, where nothing lives.

Edibility and availability of native weeds and grasses after the shift, as a source of food for humans and

livestock and even wildlife, depends upon the location, entirely. In some parts of the world, life will virtually

close down. This is near volcanoes, under the drifting ash, or where polar cold descends. In other parts of the

world, there will within two years be abundant grasses or weeds. For instance, the new land emerging between

Antarctica and Africa, will be moist, temperate, highly fertile, and without competition from livestock or seed

from most weeds. Any seed landing there will flourish!

In areas not in the path of volcanic ash, but affected by the overall gloom, one might estimate a 50% reduction

in sunlight and crop success. For instance, if a crop needed strong sunlight to flourish, it might barely get to

producing seed before the season ends. In nature, this would reproduce the weed, but for crops, it would not be a

return. Survivors will soon find what crops manage to give a return, and what not! Another factor is rot, the

moisture level, which will be extreme. Mold will be everywhere, dampness, bugs, and those crops that tolerate

damp conditions coming through, others failing utterly. Root crops, where they provide a survivor in the

evolution chain due to the energy in these roots or tubers, do not do well enough after a pole shift due to the wet

ground and mold about.

Also, consider the wildlife and bugs, which are likewise hungry. Food under the surface can be reached and

eaten while the exhausted humans sleep, where fences are less likely to be breached. This is not an easy answer,

as it depends so much on local, and what each survivor or group is familiar with planting and harvesting, so the

variables are immense. If a crop can be grown in the dim, the damp, and is not susceptible to mice or moles, yet

carries nutrition, it is a winner! Remember, likewise, that you can eat bugs, if they manage to eat your crops!

Trees will in the main die, as they do not have stores of energy that can be tapped, and rely on annual sunlight to

maintain those portions of themselves that are live. Then how do trees survive, shift after shift? Seedlings, in

fact, survive better, and many seeds do not sprout until years later. It only takes a few sprouting seeds to

perpetrate the species. Seedlings are tiny compared to the giant parent, and thus can move along with fewer

nutrients. In fact, it is the seedling trees, growing a few years after the shift, that should be nurtured, not the

dying parents. Just as after a forest fire, these are the trees of the future![2/5/2012 9:55:43 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rebirth

All rights reserved: [email protected]

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