[2/5/2012 9:55:43 AM]
ZetaTalk: Seeds of Rebirth
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Regarding why people should be concerned about ecology, when a doomsday scenario is approaching. One should
ponder what will happen as humanity considers the nearing comet. Should one continue to save, regularly, for a rainy
day? For retirement? Or should one cash in one's savings and enjoy it while one may? Many people need little excuse
to have a party as it is. This philosophy can be applied to the resources of the Earth, its rain forests and wet lands,
where the seeds of rebirth lie. These lands belong to someone. They are, so to speak, cash in the bank. Beyond the
desire to party, there is the desire to meet everyday needs. The earth will experience weather disruption, where
torrential rainstorms and drought will increase. Crop failure will be rampant, especially coming into the year of the
comet. What government, seeing the starving populace, would not be tempted to throw all ecological concerns to the
What would be the repercussions of this? One has but to look at history, the lost Mastodon, for instance. This great
and healthy animal roved many continents, in great numbers, but was wiped out during a single cataclysm. It takes but
a single mating pair to renew the herd, yet they are lost. During every cataclysm numerous species are lost, forever. It
is not a matter of sacrificing ecology for humanity, as they are not in a contest. They in fact are brethren in the desire
to survive. Mankind cannot live without a healthy Earth. It is the bed which mankind lies in. There is no benefit to
destroying the rain forests to
feed humanity. Cropland freed from rain forests will not produce during the months and years preceding the cataclysm.
Neither will filled wetlands. And what possible benefit can come from pouring poisons into the rivers and over the
land, in the form of pollution?
Those saved by ignoring ecological concerns are not the humanity in need. Those saved by ignoring ecological
concerns are the powerful and comfortable, who will be the last to starve when food is short. Efforts at pollution
control, the Green movement, is at present a holding action. The Earth will renew itself from the enclaves of life
protected at this time. These are seed stores, not only of plant seeds but the seed of various animals - fish and bird and
reptile and mammal. Between now and the time of the cataclysm, the Earth's stores of the seeds of its life will be
threatened, and it is this that efforts at pollution control are protecting.[2/5/2012 9:55:44 AM]
ZetaTalk: Endangered Species
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Animals in one form or another have survived repeated cataclysms. Natural evolution takes place, in any case, and the
cataclysms only trip the balance this way or that. Without the cataclysms your Earth's animal species would be
different, a different mix, and with some species now long extinct still present. But because these extinct species had
survived, others would not have thrived, due to competition. Therefore, beyond protecting nature preserves, do not
concern yourself over animal survival. Nature looks after her own.[2/5/2012 9:55:44 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ocean Life
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Life in the oceans will not die out. The water will have a green tinge. Little known among the populace, but well
known among scientists, is that the ocean is one of the largest producers of the atmospheric oxygen. After the
cataclysms, the atmosphere oxygen will be rebuilt from the oceans. The oceans will appear greenish to many, and for
good reason. All the fires will have placed a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the air, the stuff of which
vegetative grown is made of. With little vegetation on land, the ocean kelp will absorb and utilize this. The oceans will
be lush.
Even those far inland should plan to take advantage of the lushness of the oceans, the fish and kelp, to support humans
survivors. This will not be so dependent upon the air clearning, as the oceans move this food about, fish about, so
will fare far better than land based life after the shift. This is in part due to the way sunlight enters water, and the
susceptibility of land based vegetation to mold and bugs and physical assult and the like. Seaweed will not find
assults than before, but will find more nutrients. Where the sunlight may be less, they can parlay any growth upwards,