to each other thus flowing toward

each other and crowding together, only to find such crowding a press such that equalization occurs with a flow to less

crowded areas. Heat exists in objects, latent and not under pressure to move for equalization. Man is aware that

friction releases heat particles, as do chemical reactions such as combustion. What happens in these instances is that

the heat particles go on the move because their prior situation changed, but in that they were not overcrowded prior to

the change, they happily return to a latent state when the change stabilizes. How does this work? Heat particles sent on

the move because of friction are doing so because the atoms they reside within are compressed, creating an inequality

with the surrounding atoms. Heat moves to equalize, but this only causes the inequality to fan outward, to less

compressed areas. When the compression of friction stops, the heat returns. Mankind treats heat like magic, assuming a

manifestation of heat that must go someplace, disburse, as in his observations heat he perceives transmits outward

from the hot spot, escaping, or so it seems. In fact, few of the heat particles move elsewhere, and slowly return,

unobserved by man who has walked off to salve his blisters and who in any case does not observe heat as a minor

particle flow.

So what will happen when major friction occurs during the coming pole shift, the crust separating from the core and its

magma and sliding over this slush. Is this friction? Does friction occur during water sports, where boats and boards

travel rapidly over a liquid? Motion, not friction, occurs, as the atom compression results in motion, free to move as

the atoms are. Examine lava flowing from a volcano. Where there is heat within the lava, not on an equal basis with

the surrounding rock and air, that is released and seeking equalization to a less crowded setting, there is no heat

produced from friction. Under the crust, this press of heat particles is normal for lava, and during and after the shift,

this is not released to move elsewhere as all surrounding the heat particles has this same press. Where there is a steady

release of heat from the magma through the rocky crust of the Earth, this is dictated by the rapidity of motion of heat

particles, solely. None of this changes during the shift.

Heat is generated to some degree during the shift due to changed position of portions of the core, which are not

homogeneous as we have stated, a situation that results in the Earth’s rotation as these various elements move toward

or away from elements in the solar system they are attracted to. During the shift, the core rotates to come into

alignment with the rapidly passing planet causing the pole shift, dragging those portions of the magma with it that are

attached in any manner, including attraction, and causing swirling within the magma. All this upsets the balance where

heat particles can become compressed and move, temporarily, until the core and its surrounding magma return to[2/5/2012 9:56:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Shift Meltdown

normal. Rotation returns, the heat particles settle back in according to the dictates of the surrounding matter, and no

heat is released excessively to the surface of the globe. Then why have we stated that the oceans of the Earth will rise

an average of 675 feet, based on increased heat released due to this roiling?

Volcanoes are expected to explode, ooze lava, and burp hot gasses into the air. Just as El Nino is caused by volcanic

activity in the Pacific, in Indonesia and environs, undersea volcanoes worldwide will be oozing magma and heating the

oceans. This is capped, in the atmosphere over the seas, by air heated from the burping gasses, thus slowing any

equalization of heat particles into the atmosphere. Thus, it is not the roiling core itself which heats the surface, but

escaped magma and gasses. Heat particles still in the core return to their prior pre-shift equalization status quo, after

the shift.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Cataclysms Inevitable

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ZetaTalk: Cataclysms Inevitable

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

The cosmic cataclysms, the pending pole shift, cannot be avoided. This is not in human hands, nor in ours or those of

our brethren. Some of our brethren relay the truth in gentle terms, and this gets, essentially, twisted by those who hear

these messages. Times will change, there will be difficult times but look to the happy light at the end of the tunnel.

This is what has been heard, as the human heart and mind would prefer the message to be that. We are telling you like

it is.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Wishful Thinking

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ZetaTalk: Wishful Thinking

Note: written during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Many humans who are currently supported in their physical needs by the farming communities are aghast at

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