
prospect of being thrown on their resources in the Aftertime. The populations in the cities of the world, and in many

towns fringed by farming communities, are utterly unfamiliar with step one of feeding oneself. Thus, New Age talk

about the world evading the pole shift if all hold hands and fervently wish it to be so, or if all change their ways and

become Service-to-Others overnight, are popular with these folks. They simply don't know what else to do, where else

to start, and the road seems too long for them to walk, otherwise. Of course, none of this will work, as we have

explained. It is a palliative, a tranquilizer, to be taken so one does not worry until the last minute. If this is your intent,

to avoid thinking about it, or comfort yourself with a fairy tale, then so be it, but rescue will not happen. Does it

happen today, to those starving stick children in Africa? Does it happen today when a Cyclone roars into Bangladesh,

drowning families and sweeping the housing out to sea? Does it happen today to those dying in agony with AIDS, or

going blind because insects have put parasites into their eyes, mass disease ignored by comfortable industrialized


If such relief were so easy to attain, that wishing it so would make it happen, or appealing to the populace to do better

would find a ready ear, then what is stopping this from happening today? Of course, loving one another, and

increasing this tendency, should be encouraged, but frankly most who are not spiritually mature and firmly in this

orientation will find it hard to move in that direction under trying times. Each will be more concerned about

themselves, finding their comfort increasingly eroding, and no avenue of relief in sight! Given this, irritability will

increase, demands, hoarding, and fights. Those already inclined to care for others will not change, but may find they

need to aggressively prioritize their time and resources. This will be misinterpreted as meanness, by those used to

demanding attention from these overworked souls, but it is concern for the greater good that is at the fore. Thus, for

those at a lose as to what to do, how to prepare for the future, we suggest not turning to wishful thinking, but even at

this late date going camping, reading survival books, and at least starting. They will in any case find they must do this,

if they survive, and will regret time lost in wishful thinking.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rebel Planet

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ZetaTalk: Rebel Planet

Note: written on Mar 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Human scientists are used to perturbations by the other planets orbiting their Sun, but are unaware of the extent of

perturbations that can be caused by near-misses between the planets. The planets, as they ride in their orbits, have

reached the path they have in order to avoid the other planets, and thus all looks serene. When this equilibrium is being

established, all is hardly serene. The 12th Planet, passing rapidly through the Solar System, breaks all the rules that

humans have become accustomed to. Were the 12th Planet to become a permanent member of the Solar System, highly

erratic orbits would be established for any planet with a heavily magnetic core. The Earth's violent pole shifts are due

only to her inability to escape her monster brother when he passes, coming upon her rapidly and within days so that

she has no chance to alter her orbit in an escape.

It is not by accident that the planets in orbit around the Sun do not form perfect circles, nor does any logic known to

man explain their lopsided elliptical orbits. They are adjusting to many factors not yet known to man, and would do so

in an even more erratic manner should the 12th Planet become a permanent member of the Solar System. Many of the

planets in orbit around the Earth's Sun have little effect upon each other. For instance, the gaseous planets like Jupiter

and Saturn have minimal magnetic fields. Thus the story of the devastation the 12th Planet causes upon the periodic

passage seems surreal to naive mankind, who has a scant record from the prior pole shifts where the human race was

decimated and civilizations disrupted so that records were not reliably kept until a few generations had passed.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: From Orion

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ZetaTalk: From Orion

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The 12th Planet approaches from Orion, and as the timing of its approach could vary as much as a year or more, based

on various influences on its long voyage, there was much concern among the mining crews operating within the Earth's

Solar System that an accurate early warning system be established. We have mentioned that the Great Pyramids were a

sighting devise, such that the light from the approaching 12th Planet would flood down a narrow passage and reflect

off a pool of liquid, an unmistakable signal to those nervously watching and needing to synchronize their

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