shuttle paths

to their traveling home. Where the 12th Planet would arrive from the same locale each time, the Earth's position would

change, based on where she was in her orbit around the Sun. Thus, various pieces of instructions from one trip or

another remain, some seemingly in conflict with another on this facet or that, especially as the Earth's crust moved with

each pole shift. There is no conflict if one considers that depending on the Earth's position, the 12th Planet would

appear to veer far to the left or come in from the right, disappear behind the Sun or stand in front of it, or appear as a

distant star or as the planetary giant it is.

These partial instructions involving Orion or nearby constellations such as Sirius trickle forward from the prior 12th

Planet passages, which loosely compute to every 3,600 years. Given the periodic disruption in man's history, accurate

yearly counts from past cataclysms are simply not available. To add to the confusion, midpoint calculations were

involved as a safety check in case catastrophe struck the mining operations and their clocks were lost. These midpoint

sightings were staged at the 1,800 year point, and remnants of these instructions are also found grouped in with the

passage instructions. All very confusing for those trying to piece together a puzzle with scant parts.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Moons

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ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Moons

Note: written on May 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The 12th Planet has what are called traveling moons, as they often trail behind the planet as it tracks along its long

elliptical orbit. These moons are comparable to the Earth’s moon, some even larger, as the mass of the 12th Planet is a

gravitational magnet far beyond the pull that the Earth could muster. To some it would seem that moons must always

orbit their planet, as the planets in the Earth’s Solar System do so, yet are on the move. The difference is that the 12th

Planet travels faster, while traversing the Solar System, at speeds quite outside the sedate speeds the other planets

assume. These moons do not leave the 12th Planet during its fast ride through the Solar System, as the 12th Planet due

to its mass stays away from the other large planets and thus they at no time have a gravitation draw that is stronger

than the continuous influence of the 12th Planet. Where the 12th Planet’s tail will lash the earth, this lashing does not

include a chance of collision with the 12th Planet’s moons.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse

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ZetaTalk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse

Note: written on Jun 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

What is electro-magnetic pulse, but something that your earth experiences regularly. You have a magnetic field which

envelopes the earth and its diminishing in strength and becoming disbursed, as is well know by the people who

measure this. 2,000 years ago, when the 12th Planet was farther from your solar system on its long journey, your

magnetic field was stronger. So what would be strange about a strong pulse? Strong pulse’s happen all the time. Pilots

can tell you this. They discount their compasses. They say something must be wrong, it’s averse their other signals, so

they ignore their magnetic guides. Magnetism does not kill people. This is a falsehood. Therefore, since magnetism

and the magnetic field is intrinsic to the core of your earth, there all the time, why would this be causing an increase in

earthquakes, at the same time that magnetism is disbursing and decreasing? Therein lies the illogic. Electromagnetic

pulses are not causing an increase in volcanism and earthquakes, else the earth’s magnetic field would be increasing at

the same time, not decreasing.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Asteroid Impact

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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Impact

Note: written on Jun 15, 2001 during the 2001 sci.astro debates.

An asteroid impact is a hypothetical explanation for whale bones found on mountain tops, hundreds of miles inland,

and folklore reports of gigantic tidal waves. This of course falls in line with the current hype designed to get funding

for a reactivated Star Wars, which has nothing to do with nuclear defense and everything to do with putting up an

offensive against Planet X. Thus, the horror of Near Earth Objects is trotted out, and movies such as Armageddon are

promoted, so the public will put their money behind a defense. The asteroid impact explanation cannot hold against the

evidence, unless the evidence it sliced into such tiny bits that the whole is not considered.

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