Note: written on Mar 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

In keeping with a policy to begin alerting the populace to the coming horrendous cataclysms that will strike the Earth

in her near future, due to the passage of what is often called the 12th Planet, in keeping with a term made famous by

Sitchen for the rogue planet coming back for a passage in 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], you will find a reformed government willing to point you in the right direction, so you will notice what you have up until now been directed

away from. The asteroid 1997 XF11 is one such effort to prepare the populace for cataclysmic Earth changes and to

start them thinking about the likelihood of such changes. 1997 XF11 did more than this, as it pointed the eyes of the

common man toward Orion, whence comes the 12th Planet inbound for its periodic passage. If this makes you nervous,

check out the Troubled Times content, as these folks have been preparing for your panic, and have some answers.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2002-NT7

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ZetaTalk: 2002-NT7

Note: written during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

As with the recent Star Wars press, and the trend in the movies where asteroids threaten Earth and volcanoes erupt in

LA, and the recent periodic announcement that this or that Near Earth Asteroid will pass at this or that date, this recent

announcement on a 2019 possible impact is nothing new. The US establishment, with the power of the Hubble and

NEAT program, which they very much control, is hot to enlist the public behind efforts to deflect the possible passage

of Planet X should it actually pass as we have predicted. They have asked for Star Wars funding, fussed about getting a

space station up, human colony on Mars, and a missile defense system when no country is capable of sending one to

the US except Russia, and they hardly about to start such a fight. Few in the public wonder about such trends, unless

they are deep thinkers and read and listen well. Most see nothing more unusual about such trends than the periods of

excess and restraint that descent upon human societies. Just cycles, just trends, just something the media has grabbed

to report upon. Thus, this 2019 asteroid is no more likely to bash into Earth than the other false alarms announced

recently, but the common man has no way of proving that.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: Comet Lee

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ZetaTalk: Comet Lee

Note: written on Jul 15, 1999.

Comet Lee is not the aberration that it is claimed to be, just at long last a bit of honesty from the astronomical elite -

NASA and JPL and the IAU. They are preparing the public for more startling announcements, and preparing the public

at the same time for their excuse for not alerting the public earlier. The excuse? That they have lately realized their

formulas, the precious formulas they were so righteous about just a year or two ago and are still teaching the young in

schools, are wrong. Oh, so hard to let go of precepts! But now they will hang their heads, and wring their hands, and

point out the many times they have noticed of late that comet behavior did not follow the precepts, exactly, as this,

they think, will let them off the hook. Of course, they have been watching the 12th Planet's approach for over a decade,

since it was discovered in 1983, then termed Planet X. Does it behave like a typical comet? Not at all, nor have most

comets closely watched over the past few years with the new equipment available to NASA and JPL. But now, with

this admission, more revelations will be forthcoming.

Little by little the public will be pointed to that area of the sky they were pointed to when 1997 XF11 was a sudden

and brief scare - toward Orion, the exact opposite of where the public was pointed to when any and everything in the

sky in the other direction was claimed to be the elusive and secretive comet Hale-Bopp. View Comet Lee with an

educated eye, looking at the behavior of NASA and JPL, rather than at the sky, and you will learn more about what is

just around the corner for Planet Earth than you will peering at the sky. During the 1997 XF11 flap the flawless and

never-wrong IAU announced within weeks that they had been wrong, premature, and noisy about something they

hadn't checked out closely! This set the stage for what is to follow, and Comet Lee will not be the last admission by

the astronomical elite that they cannot predict, with certainly, the behavior of inbound objects.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:56:21 AM]

ZetaTalk: The Core

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ZetaTalk: The Core

Note: written during the August 17, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Recent movie releases in the US have had a distinct message, not lost on those watching the trends with a

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