exists that the Service-to-Self orientated groups do anything except squabble. Where those in the Service-to-Self consider control of others of prime importance, they do not control other souls, but attempt to create an environment of threats and enticements such that this is the outcome. They are perforce required to live with others, and once the pecking order is established, go about the business of learning, lessons, in this manner. Those at the top of the pile have the best life style, not unlike human society. Those at the bottom do the grunt work, and live in the worst circumstances. Riots or revolts are unheard of, quickly settled during what we have called Leveling Wars between Service-to-Self groups.

Newcomers to a group go through a quick process to determine pecking order, often injured horribly if they are slow learners. Thus, there is no ownership of the soul of others, only influencing behavior.

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ZetaTalk: Keep In Line

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ZetaTalk: Keep In Line

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

How does the Council of Worlds keep the Service-to-Self crowd in line? Easier said than done, it would seem, as they are all, essentially, ruthless criminals. However, what humans, struggling with 3rd Density limitations, might deem the limit of benign restraint mechanisms is not nearly the limit available to entities in higher densities. Humans think of physical restraints, or, at most, perhaps drugging the recalcitrant subject so they involuntarily abstain from the criminal behavior. At the far reaches of human restraint mechanisms are such tools as lobotomy for violent mental patients or castration for rapists and pedophiles, and of course imprisonment or the death sentence.

The Council of Worlds has recourse to methods beyond the physical, and these methods would amaze humans in their

effectiveness. Essentially, this is a block that prevents any physical or mental action not authorized. It is as though the errant entity is trying to walk into a brick wall, or at least that is the effect. There is no need to drag the errant entity into court, to place them in irons, or to alert others to watch them closely. How does this work?

This is done by computer, a computer similar to the one by which we maintain our extensive communications with

each other. The Council of Worlds relies on a very high level density substance in this regard, which cannot be altered or interfered with by lower densities. No tampering with the controls! The reader can relate this to bugging telephones to insure that all calls are correct. This surveillance is constant and complete. There is no evasion. It's all on automatic.

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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other

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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

Within Service-to-Other groups, the rules are set democratically, by those in the group, for instance on food growing and processing. During discussions on what the group needs to do for minimum maintenance and the like, there will be volunteers who offer to do these chores. They may offer because they feel this will be an opportunity for growth for themselves, or they may offer because they feel the others should be freed for activities that will be important for their growth. For whatever reason the entity offers, this would be considered the rule during the time span from one

democratic meeting to the next. These meetings are frequently held, and the sense of frustration from one of the group is cause enough to call a meeting.

Regarding a matter that most humans have yet to think about - moving to 4th Density and anticipating themselves

being in 4th Density Service-to-Others. What will the day-to-day interactions be like between groups? Where it is not difficult to imagine how a close group will operate, if one is a human operating in Service-to-Others already, it is difficult to imagine how the superstructure of government may not be in place. How do regional conflicts, or

operations proceed? For instance, if on a given planet, say in particular the planet Earth where there are several

Service-to- Others groups operating in preparation for the Transformation, do squabbles arise? And if so, how do these resolve? As we have mentioned, there are more Service-to-Other groups operating in the vicinity of Earth than humans are aware of. Not all co-exist seamlessly.

Some groups truly do not like each other, and express this by a refusal to work with each other. The offer is declined.

This dislike can stem from different backgrounds, where the prior incarnations were in radically different physical environments. Say, for instance, a group of entities having evolved in a physical form that did not have limbs with which to run, and therefore were never able to avoid confrontation with each other when this arose. Another group of entities evolved in a physical form where they had wings, and took flight at the slightest hint of confrontation. They would tend to approach a situation, for instance here on Earth, differently. The solution one group would be

comfortable with would be confusing to the other. They would decline to work with each other.

Other groups are in competition with each other. This stems not so much from territoriality as from a desire to have a sense of worth, a sense of importance. Say that at one point in the Earth's history, one group was involved in upgrading or guiding the human race. Then at another point in time, another group was involved in similar activities. At each single occasion, the group felt important, that they had made a contribution, and cherished this sense of having been a contributor. Now both groups are present at the same time on Earth. Neither can feel as all important as before, and feel diminished. They avoid each other. They both inflate their past contributions. All this is confusing to humans, but higher density entities are not without a sense of self.

Service-to-Others groups do not come to blows with each other. There are, of course, groups that work closely with

each other, and in this case their interaction is just as though either one of the groups became larger. They essentially merge, becoming a larger group.

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ZetaTalk: Friendly Disagreements

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ZetaTalk: Friendly Disagreements

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

Where interplay between orientations, i.e. Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others, is so strictly controlled by the Rules of Engagement that there is essentially no interplay at all, there are on occasion disagreements between members of Service-to-Other groups who engage each other on a continuing basis. As we are dealing with entities who are

determined to see the general welfare given priority, these are essentially friendly disagreements. As anyone who lives in a loving family can attest, this is no small thing. There are situations where a simple vote taken from those affected is not appropriate. Perhaps it cannot even be determined who will be affected. For instance, in a

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