through a human - nothing. In this they must wait until a human gives The Call, signaling an interest in having a conference.

Ambassadors from the Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self orientation can only confer with humans, what humans call

close encounters or contact. Ambassadors from the Service- to-Self may promise delivery of goods, as where one sells their soul to the devil for gain or where your government, early on, thought they would get alien space ship technology from their early contact with those in the Service-to-Self. This orientation is notorious for not telling the truth, and no technology has been gained - none. There were, however, some souls firmly recruited into the Service-to-Self ranks, by these maneuvers, which were within the rules guiding alien behavior on Earth.

We are not here to rescue you. You have free will as to your associations. Those who call us, the Service- to-Others, receive our help and guidance. Those who call others, the Service-to-Self, by the same token receive the help and

guidance of those others. Our activities are dictated in great part by The Call of your peoples, singularly or as a group.

For the Zetas in the Service-to-Others orientation, ourselves who are speaking to you, we may go outside this

guideline only in order to ensure that the genetic material we require is available for the hybrid program. We must, in cases where this is not by invitation, consult the Council of Worlds. Extreme measures are taken, including removing the entity from his or her genetic environment temporarily.

Humans do not, in general, understand how much control they can exert over their interaction with entities not native to the Earth. Being native to the Earth means the entity has not had prior incarnations on other planets. Resident

visitors incarnated at the present time as humans can affect each other, but not native terrans, unless by invitation. This is known as the Rule of Exclusion. This may seem confusing, but is part of the reason the class you call Bigfoot is as elusive as it is. They are in quarantine.

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ZetaTalk: Intervention

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ZetaTalk: Intervention

Note: written Apr 15, 1996.

Humans so often look to others beyond themselves for salvation that they can scarce imagine a situation where the

Earth would not be rescued by what has been termed their benign space brothers if the chips were truly down. Perhaps man has been allowed to tinker with nuclear bombs and global warming only because the situation is not yet dire. Like children playing near the edge of a cliff, they have been issued warnings, but should they start to go over the edge, intervention would arrive. Such is often the case in human affairs, and is routinely the rule. Young children should not be allowed to play in traffic, although on occasion this happens by accident or oversight and death or injury occur. The rule, however, is that intervention should occur. Even adults anticipate rescue. Bank failures see the steadying hand of the Fed, worthless stock the oversight of the SEC, reckless driving the flashing lights of a patrol car, and a call to 911

the swift arrival of numerous and varied rescue vehicles.

Would not the Council of Worlds intervene if the Earth, the subject of such caring concern by so many alien groups, were to be on the edge of ruin and devastation? The short answer is no. Look to Mars, now freezing solid but once a life-bearing planet. Mars was ruined by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet, who were allowed to do so as they too were native to your Solar System. Look to the manner that we, the Zetas, ruined our planet when in 3rd Density.

We were driven underground, having made the surface poisonous. Should we have died out entirely we would have

been transplanted to another world, albeit in a capacity where we would not have the capacity to destroy a second world. Look to your Bigfoot, who wander about in a primitive state, but who are also in a 3rd Density state as

yourselves. They are transplants from another world, but lack the capacity to poison or otherwise destroy the world they now live on. The entities incarnating Bigfoot requested this situation, having viewed with horror the results of their handiwork.

As we have repeatedly stated, the Earth is in the hands of humans at the current moment, and as such humans could

utterly destroy her - and none would intervene.

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ZetaTalk: Exceptions

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ZetaTalk: Exceptions

Note: written Dec 15, 1996.

The one rule that holds true is that for every rule there is an exception, and the Rule of Non-Interference is no

exception. Once a vote has been taken, preparatory to the Transformation that a 3rd Density world is to take,

exceptions can occur. The results of the vote are not to be tipped, and situations that would include the outcome to be other than the vote do receive interference. This is akin to a traveler, once having determined the itinerary, tolerating no interference with the travel plans. Perhaps the traveler could not take the train, as planned, but can transfer his ticket to voyage by ship. Perhaps the traveler could not hike in the Alps, as planned, due to weather problems, but finds the same vistas and exercise on a nearby mountain range. All in all, the end result is the same.

Interference in all cases must come before the Council of Worlds and be justified. It is not simply enough to point out that the Service-to-Self are winning in this area or another, an upset to the overall balance must be demonstrated.

Thus, given the heated nature of falsehoods spread in South America purporting abductions by blood-sucking aliens,

the Brazilian Roswell scenario was approved, bypassing the rule that all human encounters with aliens should be

recorded only in the subconscious. An exception was also granted for the original Roswell incident, which led to

conscious contact with US government personnel and ultimately resulted in the formation of MJ12. MJ12 personnel,

of course, encounter aliens frequently in the course of their duties, and are fully conscious of these encounters - a continuing exception that was granted by the Council when they approved the Roswell proposal.

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ZetaTalk: While Unaware

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