So, how small is small? To put it into perspective, the electron, which humans now think of as one unit but are casting

a suspicious eye toward and thinking may perhaps prove to be many types of particles, in a clump or acting

independently, is composed of some 387 discrete types of particles. This number of subatomic particles is the count

we, the Zeta, are aware of, but we suspect even we are ignorant of the true count and may be in error on some of our

assumptions. After all, we're only Zetan.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:54:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Unified Theory

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ZetaTalk: Unified Theory

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996.

Einstein understood far more than he relayed to mankind. Einstein spoke to mankind within the confines of their

ability to digest at the time. Great minds, visiting the primitive, lose the audience if they speak well beyond the

capabilities to understand. His audience was in the main scientists, and they were able to barely comprehend what he

was addressing as is. Now long after his death he is deemed a genius, and correct on many matters. Should he have

drifted further afield, he would have been dismissed utterly. He withheld information, deliberately, as do all visitors to

a 3rd Density world where spiritual growth is incomplete and high tech weaponry would give the self-serving too

much of an advantage. Mankind thus got a glimpse, and a glimpse only, into a world they will not be allowed to

explore at this time.

Einstein's theory of relativity, which challenged the accepted notion that matter and energy could not transmute, was

violently resisted. In putting forth his Unified Theory, Einstein was not attempting to explain to everyone's satisfaction the factors that govern the motion of planets and sub-atomic particles. He was attempting to wrap his relativity

arguments with additional material, so that his critics would have to shut up and think. Thus, the Unified Theory is

incomplete, as it was never intended to be otherwise. What's missing? Mankind can scarcely be unaware of gravity

and can quantify this force as well as the behavior of moving objects fairly accurately, as even the playpen of a babe is

a lab in this regard. Einstein postulated that there were two other forces, equally as influential, but as with his theory of

relativity these involved factors and views new to man.

The third force, which he called vibrational intensity, was considered theoretical by Einstein's peers, but it manifests in

nature in the Bermuda Triangle and other such spots where natural density shifting occur, and was the basis of the

Philadelphia Experiment. To detail this third force beyond what Einstein provided would be to empower the likes of

those who conducted the Philadelphia Experiment, who would surely return to their tinkering, sending yet more

enlisted men to a horrible death in their lust to harness the ability to transmute to other densities. The Philadelphia

Experiment stands as a perfect example of why 3rd Density worlds are not given technology beyond their spiritual

maturity. Babes in the sandbox are not handed loaded guns, at least not by any responsible person. Thus, any press by

humans to learn more of Einstein's third force will simply not succeed no matter where this press is applied or how

cleverly it may be packaged. The answer is no.

Einstein's fourth force was what he termed pressure rebound, and this equates to what we have termed the repulsion

force. This force mystified Einstein's peers, who could not determine how to test the theory and were given no help in

this matter by Einstein. In truth, in that era, there was no way for humans to demonstrate the repulsion force, as the test requires an escape from Earth's gravity, not possible before the space age. Will Einstein's Unified Theory be completed

during the age of man? As mankind will phase out during the coming Transformation and is considered too immature

to handle such knowledge, the Unified Theory will remain for man just that - a theory. The theory as presented by

Einstein was lacking several key pieces, and without these pieces no progress is possible. Sorry. Grow up, and then

we'll talk about it.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:54:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

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ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

written Sep 10, 2005

Is there weather manipulation going on? [and from another] Did someone create hurricane Katrina using

HAARP? [and from another] Nikola Tesla was able to manipulate the weather in the early part of the 20th

century. He was well known to police in Greenwich Village responding to complaints from terrified

neighbors about the lightening bolts originating from the top of his building. [and from another] HAARP -

the government's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - is a multi-megawatt natural gas

fired power station in Alaska with more power than 20 regional FM stations operating all at once. [and

from another source] Many now believe that the Russians used high tech energy beams to steer Katrina to

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