We stated a decade ago, when ZetaTalk began, that the weather was going to become extreme and detailed in what manner. In step with increasing volcanism, weather extremes emerged in the mid 1990's because the core of the Earth
was swirling and in turmoil, creating pressure on the magma. This, of course, due to the approach of Planet X.
volcanism and weather extremes emerged, as well as an up-tick in earthquake frequency and strength. Was this due to
the ionosphere being heated by some secret weapon? When the Earth developed a wobble due to the presence of
Planet X near the Sun, a Figure 8 discernable and measurable and well documented, this added a new weather
anomaly, as the crust is pulled under the atmosphere suddenly during the wobble, creating vertical drafts over the prevailing westerlies. Should someone desperate to deny the presence of Planet X say that all this is caused by the
Sun's effect on the atmosphere, we point to another well documented fact, the times when global shuddering is
registered on the live seismographs, discernable since early 2003 when Planet X entered the inner solar system. These are times when the Atlantic Rift either faces or is in opposition to the magnetic presence of Planet X, which wishes the
Atlantic Rift to stay in alignment with it. And another well documented fact
wanting an alternate explanation to the presence of Planet X is the Moon's orbit, consistently too far North and then too far South during the Month, in a pattern established in early 2004.
Those wanting
changes such as more extreme weather and an Earth wobble and increased volcanism and earthquakes and the
face/dark shuddering and a tilted Moon, but also
caused this, brought down the wrath of the gods. These fingers are already being pointed in your supposedly modern
time, the ultra-right in the US pointing to New Orleans as a sin city, and the like. An explanation outside of the Planet
X explanation simply is not forthcoming. The cover-up, by official sources, tried Global Warming, but this ignores the
incresing volcanism and earthquakes, so is inadequate. Mustering anything they had, and spewing these alternative
explanations onto the Internet in the hopes they might catch on, the cover-up
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta240.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:01 AM]
ZetaTalk: by Human Hand
their proponents.
Lasers, ray guns, control of mysterious particle flows that are a hybrid of gravity and electromagnetic particles, secret
technology that leaves no evidence and has no parallel in human science, somehow at fault. This is scarsely a step
from sacrifices to the gods because some human action has caused a catastrophe. Perhaps throwing virgins into
volcanoes will come into fashion again. Perhaps the gods are angry and clapping their hands in the sky or in
underground caverns where they hang out amid the molten lava. How much easier it is to cling to such explanations,
than to examine the
anomalies next to the Sun captured on film and observed by thousands over the past couple years, and put
into the mix, and see what explanation covers them all. The presence of Planet X, solely.
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ZetaTalk: Ferromagnetism
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From childhood to adulthood, magnets have fascinated man. Young children are given sets of magnets to play with,
linking them end to end. School children are shown, with iron ore dust, just how those invisible magnetic lines reach
and curl, preparatory to a lecture about the Earth's magnetic field and on to how to use the compass when lost in the