We have Stated that the Dark Twin

coming up behind the Earth would be

one clear piece of evidence in the fog of

the cover-up proving a halted orbit.

There all along, but like the dark

asteroids that absorb, rather than reflect,

light, a stealth planet.

We have Stated that the Moon, unlike the planets, is Earth centric and seeks to hug the Earth’s middle and even

during the pole shift will not leave the Earth, such is the force of this hug. We have stated that the Navy

timekeepers, in anticipation of this time, preset the Moon rise and set Times after the discovery of Planet X in

1983 by the IRAS team, so that a slowing rotation would not be noticed by the Moon Phases coming early until the last days. This has been the case during most of the past year, one of the strongest indications outside of an

erratic Moon orbit that something is terribly amiss.

We have Stated that the Constellations at first simulate what is

expected due to the tilt of the Earth toward the Sun and the Lean of

the Earth toward Planet X, but that the constellations will eventually

be noticeably Out of Place. Where this tilt and lean simulate the

constellation pattern expected, it puts the Arc of the Sun too high in

the sky, which many have noticed.

We have Stated that slowing would increase significantly after the orbit halted, but would be masked by the

automatic adjustment that human clock systems insert, a loss of approximately two hours for every month that

passes in order to allow the Sun to be overhead at noon, the night sky overhead at midnight. For the Earth to

align, in her rotation, to the clock systems, it would have to slow that two hours per months, so that the position

to gaze into the night sky is appropriate for a mid-Winter position, not late Spring. To the relief of the cover- up

artists, the Earth slowing kept pace, and where they had no explanation for this, it allowed the cover-up to

continue past the level Orange alert called during orbit halt, when imminent panic was expected and Almanacs

were put on the FBI list as terrorist tools, in anticipation of the need for denial and panic control. By what magic

then did the Earth continue to turn, facing in the correct direction as the months passed?

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta101.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Newton's Clock

We have Stated that Rotation is caused by elements in the Earth’s core, by no means

homogeneous, chasing after what it is attracted to or repulsed by. In that the Sun dominates

the scene, it should be no surprise that these elements are within or controlled by the

rotation of the Sun, and this is the case. The entire solar system sweeps in the direction of

the Sun’s rotation. The Earth faces the Sun, once a day, in keeping with the Sun’s own

rotation presentation, a touch point from matter on the Earth’s surface and within its core

to similar matter within the Sun. Likewise, perturbed planets in the solar system,

temporarily out of place as they pass each other, are pulled back into their orbit positions not by some vague

Conservation of Energy theory but by outreach arms from the Sun snapping them back into place.

When will serious Slowing, out of sync with Newton’s clock, commence? When Planet X, during its passage, inserts itself between the Earth and the Sun, standing, as we have stated, as the only voice the Earth can hear, the Sun’s voice blocked. In

that the presence of Planet X is lost in the glare of the Sun, in the blaze of light reflecting from the dust cloud shrouding

Planet X, this Slowing will be the single most compelling indicator that the long wait is about to end and the time to travel to safety has arrived.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta101.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Dark Twin

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ZetaTalk: Dark Twin

written Apr 19, 2004

Can we see the Earth Twin now in the night sky from America? In what direction is it? The star that

people see is it really Venus or the Earth twin? [and from another source] According to your posts, Venus

has possibly stopped and reversed its orbit. If we too have stopped or have continued in our original

orbit, wouldn't venus be getting less bright? It seems like it gets brighter every week, almost to the point

where I can see its outline. Or whatever that point of light it, its startlingly bright in the sky.

Our new ZetaTalk has been referring to the Earth Twin as the Dark Twin since the start of 2004 when the Earth stalled in its orbit, encountering Planet X in its path. Yet earlier, at the start of ZetaTalk in 1995, it was referred to almost

exclusively as the Dead Twin. It is both. In early discussions, the focus was on habitability, Alternative 3 a hot topic, as this Earth Twin had been a station the Service-to-Self aliens who had engaged the US Military ahead of the Roswell

crash were using as a lure. Work with us, was the promise, and we will take you there during the cataclysms, ensuring

your survival. The word dark is the descriptor of choice at the present time, as visibility as it rounds the orbit and

comes up Behind the Earth in their shared orbit is now the focus.

Stars are visible in the night sky because of the laser of light they emit. Planets

are visible because they do not absorb light rays but reflect them. Satellites or

manmade metal objects such as the Space Station or probes are visible because

metal is highly reflective. Comets create a spew of gas, a cloud, that reflects sunlight but are not highly visible until this cloud develops, outgassing. But what of asteroids, which regularly take mankind by surprise, appearing for a close

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