pass but unnoticed until they arrive. Did they not twinkle, reflect light, or glow? Asteroids are almost entirely
composed of hardened magma from the core of planets in the Asteroid Belt that got whacked to pieces in the past
when Planet X and its entourage of moons passed through the solar system there. Magma is black, or dark gray, not a
surface that reflects visible light rays. What is it about the color black that makes it dark, unseen? It absorbs light, almost entirely, reflecting little. And as a dead planet, without water, without atmosphere, without vegetation
coloration, there is nothing on the Dark Twin to change this.
The Dark Twin has been viewed, by astonished gazers, due to the phenomena that causes the rising and setting Sun to
appear huge and orange. The size of the Sun, overhead, is a fraction of its apparent size when it rises or sets, due to the
tendency of light rays in the red spectrum to bend. These light rays spread outward from the Sun but bend toward
Earth due to Earth’s gravity, and thus arrive at Earth from this spread, giving the appearance of a larger Sun than is
real. This is the same phenomena that causes the Monster Sun persona, a large dim orb next to the Sun. Why does the Dark Twin appear on the horizon, briefly, as a large yellow planet, the color and size changing back and forth to a tiny
blue star? These are the colors least absorbed by the twin, thus most reflected. Yellow, being close in the color
spectrum to red, bends outward and back toward Earth, thus changing the apparent size. Blue, being a straight line
light ray not readily bent, reflects the true size of this object, equivalent to the Earth or Venus.[2/5/2012 11:54:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dark Twin
New York City, New York
I know that it was at least 3 times bigger than Venus has ever appeared. Possibly more. Obviously it
was bigger than a normal star because I thought it was a light on a building. And the color also!
That yellow was flaming yellow! Then two minutes later - blue! The map I pulled up for NYC shows
that Venus is not visible at that time. I know it wasn?t Venus, but thats about it. Why? Well, for one
Mars and other objects were right next to Venus and the object I saw was off by itself just sort of
hanging there. I was walking toward the West in NYC (West Side). NYC is skewed in terms of true
directions. Going according to actual directions (by using where the Sun sets) I was walking NW.
Detroit, Michigan
I live in suburban Detroit. I saw it in the sky around 11:00 PM. It was so huge I thought it might be
an airplane coming in.
Sydney, Australia
I see it every day slightly west NW. It is extremely bright as the Sun sets then reduces in magnitude
to about the brightness of Sirius it does actually change colour (Aussie way to spell it) from yellow
to blue then disappears below the horizon by about 9 PM.
In the Netherlands its also visible for quite a while now. First, I thought it was just Venus but I
have the feeling it gained in brightness over the weeks. Also its color has turned from white to more
yellow, I believe. Last night I was outside at approx. 01:00 and it was still visible and I don?t believe
that Venus would still visible that late. There was a light haze so I could only see this in the WNW
and the two brightest stars from Orion in the WSW
San Francisco, California
I saw it from about 9:30 to 10:30 my time the first night. I looked at a map and did not see Mars
near it or any other visible stars, it seemed alone. I went out again at 11:00 and it had just
disappeared, the night was clear and the earlier time I saw it , it wasn?t low enough on the horizon
to have disappeared. The next night I checked it, it was still bigger and brighter than any star etc I
have noticed before. But strangely , it seemed to have moved slightly more to the West.
I am in middle Indiana and I took the dog out and saw the huge yellow colored planet / star in the
western sky. I didn?t stay huge yellow and low in the sky for more than maybe 10 minutes after I
first spotted it.
Phoeniz, Arizona
I?ve been seeing it here in Phoenix AZ over a week now. It is very obvious. It is due West in the[2/5/2012 11:54:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dark Twin
western sky about 10:00 PM my time. Very bright, yellowish and the bigest star on the horizon.
Source: Godlike Production Message Board[2/5/2012 11:54:51 AM]
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written Apr 14, 2004