What is the effect on the Earth, currently swept into the arms of Planet X periodically by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, when more planets crowd up to the stop sign, and halt, due to the massive Repulsion Force issues presented by

Planet X standing before them. Planet X is 23 times as massive, this mass not reflected in the mere diameter of this

interloper, which is only 4 times as broad as Venus or Earth or the Earth’s Dark Twin, all of which are approximately

the same size. The Sweeping Arms normally just propel the planets in the inner solar system to continue their path,

counterclockwise around the Sun, a nudge so benign as to go unnoticed by man, who assumes this motion and

direction due to other factors. It is only when the sweeps create disaster, at predictable intervals, that man takes notice.

The Sweeping Arm effect only became noticeable in the Summer of 2003, when the Earth began rounding the backside

of the Sun and moving toward Planet X, which was inbound from the outer solar system regions toward the orbit of

Earth where it encountered the Earth on Dec 25, 2003. The Sweeps then had a different pace, as rebounding away from

Planet X or standing still or backing up under pressure, the Earth encounters the sweeps more often as it is not running

ahead of them as a normal orbit would allow.

Presently, the sweeps have the characteristic of

1. pushing the Earth into the arms of Planet X,

which it is avoiding due to Repulsion Force

issues, thus creating phenomena man has come to

associate with the sweeps such as strong Global

Quakes, electromagnetic surges creating power

outages and magnetic flux, and more falling

bridges, separating rails derailing trains,

collapsing buildings, water line breaks, and gas

line or fixture explosions.

2. hopping Planet X toward the Earth a few days

later as its reaction in its Retrograde Orbit to a

sweep is to hop over, rather than sweep before,

the Sweeping Arms. This causes a second round

of quakes and phenomena associated with sweeps, and often pushes the Earth backwards so it makes no progress

in its orbit, but is stalled, and slightly backing up, during this process.

With Venus stalled to the left side of the Earth, and Mars stalled to the Right, and with the Earth unable to leave her

orbit due to the presence of these other planets, and unable to lift far above or below the Ecliptic where other particle

flows which sweep all the planets into the Ecliptic plane as they wash back toward the Sun’s middle, the Earth is

stuck. Now approaches her Dark Twin, apace, closing the gap and just months behind her in their shared orbit. What

will occur when this Dark Twin, the equal of Venus or the Earth in size, is close? It will surely stall in its orbit, but

more will occur. The sweeps will now have a ricochet effect on the Earth.

1. the Dark Twin will first encounter the Sweeping Arm, and will smash into Earth with the gravity Repulsion

Force effect, not only creating a bump but pushing the Earth prematurely into the arms of Planet X. Disaster

Scenario ONE.

2. the Earth will then encounter the Sweeping Arm as noted above, and be sweep into the Arms of Planet X,

bringing Disaster Scenario TWO.

3. Planet X will then hop the sweep, smashing it into the Earth as noted above bringing Disaster Scenario


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ZetaTalk: Whiplash

4. where the Earth has been reacting to this hop by backing up, it can no longer do this without another crunch

from the back due to its Dark Twin behind it, creating Disaster Scenario FOUR.

This is twice the impacts already received, and each such impact that forces the Earth into the arms of Planet X creates

more tilting and leaning and magnetic grip. In that the Earth cannot back up away from Planet X, but may in fact

rebound into it when encountering her Dark Twin at her backside while attempting to do so, it will increasingly engage

in the magnetic play that is inevitable between the Earth and Planet X. Slowing, beyond the steady pace that has been

occurring but disguised by the halted orbit, will occur. Tilting and leaning or aligning with the bully magnet that Planet

X represents will occur, with ricochet effects and twirling possible to an extent we decline to reveal at this time. If the

Earth has been able to avoid Planet X as it creeps forward up to this point by backing up, what would cause the

extreme pole shifts that her geology attests to? She is trapped, and the magnets engage, and the Earth, inevitably, is the loser.

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ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Visibility

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ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Visibility

written Mar 15, 2004

If Planet X is affecting our original Earth, by making it stop or even reverse in it

s orbit, why hasn?t this other Earth come into view?

What would Earth look like, if viewed from Venus? Got a recent snap shot? Got a report from someone who was

there? This Dead Twin is in the orbit path of Earth, which is farther away than the orbit path of Venus and Mercury, which those on Earth see as bright objects due to reflected sunlight. Why is it that asteroids are dark, in space, unless in a close fly-by. They are reflecting light only from their hard rocky surfaces. Planets which have gaseous atmospheres

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