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ZetaTalk: Source

Note: written Jan 15, 2002

Nancy is frequently asked the source of her information, which is ourselves. This has been explained, repeatedly, and

is well documented on the ZetaTalk web site. Nancy is a contactee, who has volunteered to be a communicator during

these troubled times. She volunteered before birth, her spirit volunteering, and has had no problems during this

incarnation with her mission. To enhance her ability to understand the concepts we are presenting, she allowed herself

to be modified in her late 20's with a bit of our brain tissue, DNA compatible with hers, which allows her to better

receive our telepathic communications. The portion of her brain thus modified affects only telepathic communications,

so Nancy is otherwise herself. Thus, the source of her information is, truly, us, none other.

As her source, we have provided what soon became known as ZetaTalk, of world renown. The information relayed by

us is sometimes foreign to Nancy, sometimes familiar. She was introduced to the concept of radical Earth changes, but

not the date. This was revealed to her during ZetaTalk, as 2003, [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] a surprise to her as well as others. We kept this as a surprise to her so that she could function normally in the world she had to live in until her

mid-50's. ZetaTalk Accuracy is also something not planned by Nancy, as she simply relays what we communicate and,

as she says, 'jumps off the cliff'. She has no way of knowing if this is correct or not, and having put her life and

livelihood at risk, she just trusts.

Why should humans trust ZetaTalk, when so many other channels or claims are speaking at odds with it? Nancy is not

religious in her trust, or ours in hers. We have known each other for many incarnations, and have a long track record

with each other. Religions ask for faith without any basis, demand it, often, and thus have less basis for trust than

between team members. We predict, and our predictions can be tracked. Sources that do not so predict cannot be

determined to be anything but disinformation or hot air. Are we the Devil, leading you astray? Is your best friend

doing so, or your mother, or your government? How do you determine that? You balance what is being said against

what you know, and make a determination. In the case of ourselves, via ZetaTalk, you must do the same.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stumble

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ZetaTalk: Stumble

Note: written during the Sep 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We allowed Nancy to answer the question about the Beatles according to her understanding of the question, to demonstrate the limits of the vehicle. In fact, if she is not on the same page, understanding the setting, understanding the context of the question, she cannot put words to our concepts correctly. This is akin to a Greek translator being

asked to interpret French. Hearing English, the Greek translator interprets correctly. Hearing French, almost any idea

may pop into the head of the translator, and the answer following down wrong paths accordingly. It does matter what

is in the translators head, such that an Aboriginal hearing an English mathematician describe the orbits of the planets

would explain this to the tribe in a manner the Englishman would find absurd. Likewise, the Englishman hearing the

Aboriginal describe migrations of the wildlife, and the reasons for variations, would leave the Aboriginal bent over in

laughter. There are, in fact, words missing from one language, inherent in another, due to these concept synching


Thus, in the past, when Nancy was asked to speak in math, and did so poorly, this demonstrated our refusal, and hers,

to do this. This has for a long time been the rule, and the public forgets. Thus, choosing a silly subject, the Beatles, unimportant in the main line issues of today, we allowed this to proceed. Nancy is not a Beatle fan, never has been,

and thus hears these names only in the distance on the news, in the background. She was aware of a recent death,

cancer, someone who did good work around the globe and was beloved, and assumed this to be the person asked

about, especially in the Context of being protected by Service-to-Other aliens due to the human's mission. We do not expect this to be believed, but for those looking for a reason for this catastrophic blooper, this is it!

Note: Below added during Nov 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Early in ZetaTalk, there was high alarm that we, the Zetas, were out there in the world telling all, telling the truth, and gripping the public with the scope and depth of Nancy's postings that we were fast gaining international aclaim. We

have stated before, that depending upon the success of ZetaTalk, as perceived by the establishement, push- back occurs.

If Nancy is viewed as being perceived as accurate, believable, then a hundred times more disinfo sites and agents

would be sent forth to counter this than have actually been dispatched. Thus, it is a clever maneuver, on our part, and

with Nancy's cooperation, to do a Columbo, act befuddled, appear to make a slip, on occasion. These slips are carefully

placed so as to placate the establishment, but not confuse the readership who is reading with broad interest, and

looking at the overall trends. The establishement is in general either wealthy, used to wielding power only because of

their wealth, or those in power who rely on the wealthy. Thus, for an aging woman, who has worked all her

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