life and
must work to eat on a weekly basis, to have an
Early in the game the Hale-Bopp ploy was used, and in truth Nancy was under the impression until late in the
game that there
that Hale-Bopp in 1995, within a month after Hale-Bopp was announced, was
comet was tracking, to meet the plotted orbit of a
detected, we reported these orbit aberations. The orbit of Hale-Bopp plotted by JPL leap
passage, perturbed
have the public look in the
in NancyTalk, that there was no Hale-Bopp comet. Then in 1996, we slipped in a warning in ZetaTalk that they
were lining the false/fake orbit up with the orbit of a
her.[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Stumble
Magnitude 2.0
In like manner, in the early days of Planet X sightings, we laid out trip points to placate the establishement. It
was a Mag 2, and at the time when ZetaTalk was building international acclaim due to its utter accuracy on all
other issues,
recover from this? They presumed this a fatal error. When the sightings began in early 2001, this was the cry,
the Magnitude issue, and our explanations that
deemed inadequate. However, like a giant mushroom growing in the dark, ZetaTalk grew, internationally, and in
the underground of the Internet. Nancy's appearances on radio or TV or in articles were considered no more
threatening than other New Age claimants, but the readership caught the truth and relevance of our words and
checked into the web site.
Even Nancy's poverty level is a ploy, though
scams, which she avoided by working and being broke, as she has been most of her life. The establishment was
placated at their loss of taking her down in this manner because she was
could immagine having an impact in the world from such a position. Now, going into the final months, the
establishment will be so overwhelmed that they care not, will go into increasing isolation, into their bunkers, at
least into a bunker mentality, and Nancy and ZetaTalk the least of their worries.[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Direct Line
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Frustrated with the need to decipher channeled work or go through intermediaries, many pressing forward with their
personal Awakening are puzzled as to why a direct line cannot be established. Why the need for channels or telepaths.
Wouldn’t a direct question and answer connection work more effectively? The answer is that this would
effective, nor would it even be possible. Humans who want direct contact with aliens are getting that, regularly, as a
result of their having given The Call. They are often only vaguely aware of the result, consciously, and thus long for
something akin to what the channel seems to have - a direct line.
True channels, and these are in the minority of those claiming to channel, have rare qualities not found in most
humans. They are almost to a one of the highest integrity, dedicated to a high level of Service to Others. They have
rare physical capabilities that stem from having been born in the right genetic line, and often from having been
tinkered with a bit upon their request. A channel is allowing another entity to enter the body for the moment, and use
the body and mental pathways of the channel as an instrument. This is not a direct line, this is a temporary takeover!
Those contactees who feel they are in telepathic contact with their visitors are only recalling a recent visit, the content
playing out in their mind like a conversation, step by step.
Thus, until aliens can be face to face with humans, which will most certainly occur within the lifetime of many in the
readership, there cannot be a direct line for most.[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]