household could then with the addition of a single new product link communities across a nation. Thus members

in the government have reason to desire dominance in the personal computer arena, and to pave the way for this

to occur.

Where the above points sound like solutions, if in the wrong hands they can become a tool for domination and control.

Any network should have more than one support system, and this is the point to watch and guard against. What is the

backup should the software from Microsoft fail?

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:09 AM]

ZetaTalk: The Internet

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ZetaTalk: The Internet

Note: written Feb 15, 1997.

The ability of humans to communicate over distances has moved, over the past century, from the pace of a single

human's ability to travel or deliver mail to instant communication all over the world with the press of a key - the

Internet. That this upsurge has occurred in the century leading up to the millennium, with its cataclysms, is not an

accident. Mankind has been assisted at certain points with technological breakthroughs, so that a swift up- tick would

occur at this point. The Transformation, which involves integrating those humans strongly in the Service-to- Others

with aliens operating in that orientation, will mean bringing those humans into highly technological Zetan and hybrid

cultures. To avoid severe culture shock, the technological level humans are familiar with has been raised. Where this

up-tick in technology is evident on many fronts, in communications it is most evident in the growth of the Internet.

Moving into the Transformation, the Internet will continue to grow and permeate many aspects of daily life. Following

the pole shift, many Service-to-Other groups will find they are still in communication with each other, trading helpful

hints and passing along news. Technology will not die among these groups, as the education or know-how of one can

be passed along, using the Internet as a school or training vehicle. Thus, the Internet will continue to help those

surviving humans operating in the Service-to-Other orientation to acclimate to the life style of the 4th Density Service-

to-Other aliens they will soon be encountering. It will make for a smooth transition, as they will in many cases

encounter their new neighbors via the Internet before meeting them face to face, and find when this occurs that they

are meeting an old friend!

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:10 AM]

ZetaTalk: Melting Pot

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ZetaTalk: Melting Pot

Note: written May 15, 1997.

Early on after its discovery as a large land mass relatively un-populated and rich in resources, the Americas became

the target of hungry immigrants. Protected from discovery earlier by the vast oceans on either side, the Americas had

remained the land of the American Indian with only an occasional lost straggler arriving by boat from other lands.

Unlike the acquisitive values forming the base of European society, the American Indian did not plunder the land and

its resources, but lived in great harmony with nature and considered themselves the guests of nature rather than the

owners of nature. Thus, to the Europeans, the Americas looked like land and resources for the taking. The rush was on,

and has not stopped, and the general notion of immigrating to America, to the land of opportunity, has spread around

the world so that all countries have this impression of the Americas - go there and get rich!

Immigrants are characterized primarily by their ability to initiate action, to be activists rather than pacifists. In their

native country, all experience food shortages or repression, but not all pick up and leave home, friends, family, and

familiarity! During the early years when the great melting pot was forming, many immigrants could anticipate never

seeing family and friends again, or even hearing from them by the rare letter that made the distance without being lost

or destroyed. Thus the early immigrants were courageous as well as activists, and were capable of operating

independently. America is the nation that involves itself in other nation’s affairs because of the genetic makeup of its immigrants. Because of the initial rush toward riches, the attitude of most Americans is that nothing is impossible but

only requires action.

Differences, rather than conformity, are the rule in America, due to the vast mixture of races and cultures in American

cities. Most cultural mixing can result in explosive confrontations, synergy of ideas, or both. In the case of Arabs and

Israelis, explosive confrontations are the result. In the case of cultural and racial mixing in America - both results have occurred. America is the land of violence, statistically holding some of the highest rates in violent crimes. America

holds its lead as the nation where the vast majority of patents issue from in great part because of the attitude of its

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