would be downloaded by interested

parties in the public, so that the public, comparing, would find the new object identified in France an old object, and dismiss the image. They proceeded, but Steve Havas is a gifted contactee whom we have great confidence in, and thus

he was guided as to where to look, and when. His early post that he was suspicious when Tholen did not post a

comment to Nancy's announcement shows he was aware that activities behind the scenes were in process. Caught in

the Act! is his statement to sci.astro, and this it was. By pointing to what was a botched doctoring job, in time for many throughout the world to follow in his footsteps and do their own checking, he produced a catch-22 for the

establishment. Should they proceed to fix their botches, hurriedly done by inexperienced image fixing disinfo artists,

they had to worry about astronomers worldwide comparing the new star charts to those they had in their possession


Thus, the decision was made to withdraw the botched and doctored images, leaving Steve looking like a liar. This

supposition was posted today, Mar 2, 2002, on sci.astro, by Nancy, so that those astronomers around the world, who

number in the hundreds, who have done their own comparisons and been horrified, will be alerted to the plan. Thus,

though Steve may come under some heat, he should and we are confident will, understand that many are out there have

proof now of the cover-up, and the search for Planet X has now intensified a thousand fold. For each astronomer

looking, or thinking, there will for every astronomer finding the images being doctored, the bastion of integrity the star

charts are supposed to be being dooctored, there will be dozens, each, that will be talked to privately in hushed tones

about this matter. A wildfire has been lit, and cannot be damped. And Steve cannot be touched else suspicions will go


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ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

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ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

written Aug 6, 2004

For those looking for signs, we would point to the convergence of signs, all recognizable by mankind. The known orbits of

Venus and Earth appearing in a crop circle, the visible span of the Moon Swirls as they fan behind Planet X in its retrograde

orbit, and observations and photos of Venus, looming. Where Venus was deliberately Moved by ourselves past the Sun for the anticipated June 8 transit, so as not to set off undue panic and give an excuse for the cover-up to continue, it is not truly moving along on its way as anticipated. It had stalled in its orbit, as has Earth, because of the presence of Planet X standing

before it, and despite the shuffle in position, this road block still exists.

Sign1: Venus, too large in the morning sky, too bright, too close to Earth despite the dictates that force the

planets into their respective orbits.

Planet X is rounding the S. Pole of the Sun and rising to the Ecliptic, a slow crawl past the Sun while intense conflicting

gravity particle flows play out, the pull into the Sun repulsed by outbursts from the Sun.

Sign 2: The orbit of Venus is approximately 2/3 of the distance from the Sun of Earth's orbit. What does the

Ashgrove diagram show us? If the first ring represents the orbit of Venus, positioned outside of the diagram to

fix the Ecliptic position for the viewer, then Earth rides the next ring, another 1/3 out from the center of the Sun.

Sign 3: The location below the Ecliptic can be surmised in Coventry, on July 4, moving toward the approximate

7° shown in Ashgrove on July 27, 2004.

Ashgrove, Canada : July 27, 2004

Castellfollit del Boix : July 3, 2004

Coventry : July 4, 2004

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ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

And what of the 120° span from the location of the Planet X corpus to its Moon Swirls, dragging behind it?

Sign 4: As we explained, the Dance of the Moons fans behind Planet X, but does not wrap round before it, and as recent crop circles such as Castellfolit del Boix have clearly presented, this 120° span is the width to be

expected and most often appearing in photos.

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ZetaTalk: Uneasy Public

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ZetaTalk: Uneasy Public

Note: written Mar 15, 2002

The public at large is already uneasy. They are considering what they see about them, these past few years. The

weather absolutely cannot be explained, and the weatherman is ignoring this, which in and of itself is a cause for

uneasiness in the common man. Crops go awry, businesses go belly-up, bankruptcies increasing, and powerful

companies like Enron try rip-off games that cannot succeed in the long run. The degree of arrogance in the powerful

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