and certainly including Wilcock or Hoagland as parties has never been contemplated by the establishment. We have
predicted that it is increasing mass sightings, increasing sightings of alien bodies, that will drive public awareness of
the alien presence. Official disclosure by the US government is highly unlikely to occur, though they may back off
some of their debunking campaigns. ZetaTalk accuracy has only begun to be demonstrated, and this trend will drive
our words into increasing media attention. This is a prediction we have made from the start.
Official Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life is Imminent
October 21, 2009
The impending disclosure announcement follows upon the secret implementation of a year long
openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the period February 12-14, 2008, the
United Nations held closed doors discussions where approximately 30 nations secretly agreed on a
new openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in 2009. The openness policy was
implemented but never publicly announced due to threats against UN diplomats not to disclose
details of the secret agreement. The timing would most likely coincide sometime soon after his
Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009 in Oslo, Norway. David Wilcock, a
prominent researcher of emerging scientific paradigms claimed in a Coast to Coast AM radio
interview that 'a 2-hour international TV special has already been booked that will introduce an
alien species, similar to humans, to the world.' NASA and space researcher, Richard Hoagland
concluded, also on the popular late night Coast to Coast AM radio show, that 'LCROSS is part of a
carefully constructed campaign to prepare the populace for imminent disclosure. Which ever of the
above scenarios is used for announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, President
Obama will figure prominently.
French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's
February 14, 2008
A French aviation expert has come forward to reveal his participation in a secret meeting held at
the United Nations New York headquarters that discussed the UFO phenomenon from February 12-
14. Lorant revealed that a series of UN meetings were held over a three day period. In the meetings
there was discussion of a confidential report, prepared by the U.S. Air Force and a branch of the
National Guard, concerning the societal impact of UFO sightings. The initial meeting was held on
February 12 and, according to Lorant's report, led to a request by three U.S. Senators for further
discussions. Additional meetings were held immediately after on February 13 and 14. The
implication is that three U.S. Senators attended the secret UN meetings. The meetings were very[2/5/2012 11:13:18 AM]
ZetaTalk: Disclosure
concerned about social upheaval from continued UFO sightings and the testimonies of individuals
claiming to have first hand knowledge about UFO's, extraterrestrial life, and future global events. It
was reported that adverse public reactions to UFO sightings could have a dramatic economic
impact that could lead to recessions in some countries. 2009 was raised as the year when an
important change in official attitudes concerning the UFO phenomenon could be made. The
meetings results suggest that an official change in government policy from 'debunking' to 'openness'
concerning UFO's would lead to official approval to narrowly define study of the UFO
phenomenon. However, those claiming to have first hand experience of extraterrestrial life would be
targeted as charlatans.[2/5/2012 11:13:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Russia
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ZetaTalk: Russia
Note: written during the Jul 6, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Russian, as the US, has been in the know since the early days of MJ12, being a partner in space, and brought into the
fold long before the end of the Cold War. Being in space, first, with Sputnik, and Mir, they of course saw space ships
and were well aware of the alien presence many decades ago, without doubt. Thus, they were conferred with, and even
though enemies on the ground, in economic circles, and in culture clashes, at the highest levels they conferred. They
could, should they wish to embarrass Bush, reveal much, but in doing so they would open their own cultures and
economies to panic, thus they stay their hands in this regard. They have been watching Planet X, in their