ZetaTalk: End Game Postures
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Our predicted Earth changes have arrived to the extent that they are obvious, and cannot be explained by Global
Warming or other such excuses proffered by the establishment over the years to explain the trends. Weather is
extreme, the swings extreme, 2005 the warmest year on record, the worst hurricane season on record. The number of
active volcanoes 50% higher than only 8 years ago, and rising, with no relationship to Global Warming possible as an
explanation. The Torque Effect we predicted has appeared and is regularly creating stretch zone evidence in the US
and the African Rift area. But where these Earth changes have become obvious, they are only the start. Meanwhile,
humans in the know or deliberately kept unaware are getting increasingly nervous, seeing the trend, and posturing for
the end game.
We have stated that saber rattling would occur as times got tense and restrictions imposed, but little actual warfare as each country would focus their resources inward with war unlikely to bring any relief. That the US will be forced out
of Iraq to attend to its home front and Russia and Iran are using fuel as a political weapon during the intense cold
afflicting the region is typical of end game posturing. The message to the US is 'go home and attend to your home
front', which it will in any case have to do, shortly, due to Earth changes that will devastate the US homeland. Treaties
to share resources will be broken, with scarce resourses kept at home. Restless borders will be watched but not
breached, as each country anticipates turmoil in its own populace, unable to maintain a front when it's back side, the
side open to it's populace, is vulnerable.
Politics within countries will change
the country cannot withstand when quakes and exploding volcanoes and weather nightmares are afflicting it at an
increasing rate. Thus Canada has a conservative Prime Minister who must content with a liberal parliament. Thus the
US can anticipate Congress moving to the left, well ahead of the 2006 elections, to counter an extreme Bush
Administration. Thus Israel will continue to make peace with the Palestinians. And all countries will attempt to
maintain a restless balance where the economic stability of all is allowed as thought the world were holding its breath.
Don't rock the boat. The interrelationship between stock and commodity markets around the world, and banking
enterprises around the world, will be acknowledged, with all countries careful not to create instability.
Individually, the end game postures will be more extreme, as individuals or their families do not have great impact on
the world situation. This one will sell all, getting out of the markets and leaving the lucrative job markets of the cities
and head to the hinterlands, there to be self sufficient when the grid goes down and food shortages start. Another will
take an opposite tack, self indulgence the rule, all funds spent on whims and pleasures as though tomorrow did not
exist, which for this person, it does not as they intend to go out with the shift. We have predicted, as the pole shift
approaches, that people will either prepare with more seriousness or party hard. Corporations, as with countries, will focus inward and attempt to maintain stability during troubled times by cutting expenses and work force. Organized
religion can be expected to preach harder, offering solace or looking for demons, their normal approach simply more
extreme, no change. And to the extent that the media has
because of national security directives, they will, we predict, move toward the middle, with more honest reporting.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta259.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: End Game Postures
Signs of the Times #1539