
well publicized contact between aliens

the public to see the videos and photos

and humans, will not occur. This is due

and hear the full reports of the witnesses,

to the rule that the Awakening must be

where formerly this was not done. That

gradual, and not induce extreme anxiety

there is a weak protest from some

in the populace. Contactees are on the

government agency, some flimsy excuse

increase, and mass sightings likewise on of what it might be, should be ignored.

the increase. Periodically there are

The public is not fooled. Classified

predictions about some sort of coming

documents will never be released, unless

out where aliens will stride in front of TV discovered blowing in the wind after the

cameras and all will be known. This is

pole shift. But you don't need these to be

not how it will happen.

released to know the truth.

ZetaTalk Prediction 5/9/2009

ZetaTalk Prediction 1/26/2008

The alien presence has been denied for

It is not the difficulty in explaining the

decades, since the time of Roswell, and

alien presence that is holding back full

aggressively so. The individuals who

disclosure. It is fear among the elite that

perpetrated this cover-up are still in the

they will fall from grace, from their lofty

main alive, and do not want egg on their perch. Certainly, an admission that

faces. What would they say to the public, intelligent life exists elsewhere would not

that the common man could not take the

require a full discussion about the

information without going insane or into pending passage of Planet X and its

a panic? This is laughable in view of the potential destruction. But UFOs have

large number of mass sightings which

been called 'swamp gas' and the like for

have only resulted in curiosity and

decades with a softening of the stance of

increased desire for contact. To save

most governments only coming about

face, these individuals demand that the

lately because mass sightings have

cover-up continue.

become so common that the cover-up is

ZetaTalk Prediction 5/2/2009

ridiculed by their public.

ZetaTalk Analysis 5/24/2008

As one country after another opened their UFO files, one stood apart - the United States, the country with the most

official information on the existence of the alien presence. During the life of MJ12 the US had extensive contact with

aliens, and examined their ships. The US has relics from that era, including mummified alien bodies. But where the

US has the most to present to the world, has proof positive, they are the also the most reluctant. We have stated, when repeatedly asked about this issue in the past, that such disclosure would deeply embarrass those officials who were at

the forefront of denial over the decades. In that the highly popular and well known ZetaTalk website holds proof of a

kind in the ZetaTalk Accuracy record, there is an additional fear. If the alien presence is acknowledged, then is the[2/5/2012 11:13:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Disclosure

presence of Planet X and the reality of a pending pole shift also being acknowledged?

Note in the February 14, 2008 report by a French participant of a UN meeting on disclosure, that the Earth changes

were mentioned. It is not just the reaction of the public to the reality of alien visitors that the establishment fears. The

populace is already aware of this from their frequent sightings of UFOs. It is 'testimonies of individuals claiming to

have first hand knowledge about UFO's, extraterrestrial life, and future global events' that is to be feared, and these

individuals debunked as 'charlatans'. What else but the pending pole shift would cause the anticipated 'dramatic

economic impact that could lead to recessions in some countries'. Mass UFO sightings are already occurring, without

economic impact. Clearly, they fear ZetaTalk, with its international fame and prediction accuracy track record,

disseminated worldwide for over a decade. The Horizon Project boasted NASA and US contractors as members,

purporting the Earth will meet devastation when it aligns with the galactic center. Project Camelot claims to host whistleblowers, those wanting the truth out about the alien presence, hosting Sergeant Major Robert Dean discussing

the coming of Nibiru and his first hand knowledge of UFOs. Are these individual to be treated as 'charlatans'?

Will disclosure occur as predicted by various suedo-scientific personalities such as David Wilcock or Richard

Hoagland? Since these individuals earn their living by claiming special insights into the alien presence, they wish to be

on the media bandwagon should disclosure actually become a media event. We are here to inform them that such an

event, predicted to include a White House announcement with an introduction of actual live aliens, will never occur,

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