Category Oceans: stated was that tides will increase, whirlpools occur, and continued polar melt due to core warming.
Where ignored lately in the press, the swelling oceans will begin to devastate coastlines and islands such
that they demand attention in the press. This is not entirely due to polar melt, but also to heating of the
oceans and heaving crustal plates that move
oceans less of a bowl to rest in. Coastal cities will find themselves steadily inundated, water in the streets
and sewage lines backed up. Insurance companies will turn their backs on these incidences, created
demands on government to step into the void and provide housing and compensation for private and
corporate victims alike. Refugee camps will be started, and become the intractable norm while the
governments and media downplay the extent of the problem.
Category Weather/Crop Failure: stated was the erratic weather predicted in 1995, effect on commercial crops, and
underreporting in the media. Depleated stores will result in starving countries being ignored.
As the starving are more easily controlled by oppressors, the increasing starvation around the world will be
less of a factor in riots and turmoil than would be expected. Befuddled thinking, exhaustion that makes
even assuming a standing position difficult, and the inability to muster an assault prevent the starving
from becoming a nuisance to their governments or oppressors, so they are simply ignored. As the wealthy
and elite stock their enclaves, food stuffs will increasingly become scarce, with a lack of options during
shopping the most noticeable result. Until a populace used to thinking that their government has put aside
stores for emergencies find that the stores have long been emptied, there will not be rage, as any hint that
the truth is about to emerge is likely to result in a government sponsored party, as a distraction. Those
countries where the populace is aware that they must depend upon themselves will find more squirreling
away of food stuffs, with soldiers sent into the field to locate and raid these stores.
Category Populace Reactions: stated was migration increase, seeking better places; increasing illness among humans and animals alike; riots suppressed with brutality; and people seeking solutions in cults, survival groups, or by
becoming virtual slaves of the rich in work camps. Polarization will occur.
With a frantic sense that something is upon them, the human populations of the world, where they have the[2/5/2012 11:13:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: 2003 Approach
means for mobility and energy to spare, will seek solutions with others. This will not so much be a
reaching out to the governments which are clearly incompetent to address the changes, but in discussions
initiated by individuals, each to the other. Governments will be heard from after tragedies, disasters, and
when bad news must be announced and can no longer be denied or suppressed. They will announce
solutions, work camps or refugee camps, but the takers will only be those hapless souls unable to do
otherwise. Forming groups will in the main squabble, expectations that prior life styles should be
continued slow to change, and will seldom succeed until after the shift, when it is
needed, no argument.
Category Establishment Reaction: stated was Global Warming used as an excuse until obviously inadequate; media
suppression of news about quakes, crop failures, and rising sea levels; worldwide depression with banks and stock
markets shored up by the establishment to appear otherwise; stock market dropping to 1/4 of its former level; price and
distribution controls; barter system increasing among the populace, while war mongering among the elite to distract the
When the stock markets crash, the brakes no longer able to be applied and all investors desperately going
for themselves despite instructions from their masters, price controls will be instituted. Somber faced
officials will parade about, imitating the days of the Great Depression, all blaming a source other than
themselves for the disaster. Talk will be the order of the day, with little action. In that the economic
disasters can take the media stage, increasing Earth changes can get pushed aside. This will allow
governments to huddle while they plot to save themselves, the doors closed to their desperate citizenry
who will be told they must allow their governments to cook up solutions, in peace. Thus, when the shift
occurs, the citizenry will find
locations, without a word to those they are leaving behind in ignorance.[2/5/2012 11:13:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: Debunking Failures
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Signs of stress and cracks in the armor of the many factions of the debunking team are showing. This team has
arms, not all working together, and most only vaguely aware of each other. They are coordinated at arms length by the
establishments, in part by funding from the banking enterprises, highly threatened by the public becoming aware of the
approaching earth changes, by the CIA working on ops not reported to Congress at all, especially since they are
supposed to be working
or information or a cheerleading section, are not aware of the other arms, a typical covert activity methodology. The
cracks, so visible recently, are caused by several setbacks:
1. A key astronomer, who